What is the end game for race realist?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Thanos36, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    So maybe it's because I'm a dumb and dull idiot black guy. But I would like to extend a question to all race realist. What exactly is the end game here? I mean, I was introduced to race realism 10 years ago (though no one called it race realism back then). To me, all of the statistics and "studies" are all fine and dandy. But I would have to ask, why put so much energy into something, if there wasn't an underlying goal. Please don't say "because science" because Race Realist don't care about science. So what is the end game? There is a major social and political tone to race realism, so let's not pretend it's all about science.

    The funny thing, almost as a code, race realist almost seem allergic to revealing the "perfect society" for white people.They almost avoid it like the plague, but will constantly talk about why it's SOOO important to speak about the realities of racial differences. I mean why is it so important if you honestly have no end game? Or is the end game white ego. Do you guys have a fetish of hearing how smart white people are and how dumb black people are? Like what is the goal? Why, after debating realist for over a decade I have NEVER heard a single plan forward for realist? Why is that?

    Care to shed some light?
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  2. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Race-Realism is definitely not about science. Race-Realism is simply an attempt to seek a genetic basis for racist stereotypes. I don't even think most advocates of race-realism have an end game. Their primary motivation is to believe that racial differences that conform to their racist perceptions are real. They believe this because they want to believe it. Most Race-Realists are White Nationalists or White Separatists whose only major difference with White Supremacists is that they don't put Whites at the top of the intellectual hierarchy. They are all racists. I don't think most advocates of race-realism actually believe the political goals of White Nationalists are feasible. They just want to get as many people to believe in race-realism as possible because it makes them feel better. They are propagandists with an ideological axe to grind. The primary goal of them promoting their racist pseudoscience is to validate their delusions.
  3. Evmetro

    Evmetro Active Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Racism happens, but real racism has been masked and marginalized by the political strain of racism. There are many different end goals for real racism, but only one for weaponized political racism. Since weaponized political racism has only one goal that is not related to real racism, it ends up being what marginalizes real racism.

    Politicized racism has made it so that a white guy who likes blacks has to be afraid of them. Every time a white guy even talks about blacks he has to give some kind of disclaimer that he is friends with blacks, or some kind of proof that he is not a racist, before he even begins, and then again, every few sentences. Politicized racism has made it so that a white employer who like blacks, and who is interested in hiring a black guy, must be afraid of hiring him, afraid that he will have an employee with a wild card that gives him the power to destroy the business if he does not get his way.

    There is really no room left to talk about real racism, as long as the term is being used to describe something else in a political war.
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  4. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    White nationalists want living space for themselves and other whites. Their justifications are many and varied, but their end goal is the creation of a society that is for whites only. Successful non-whites should not be allowed in this white ethno-state since they are more needed to uplift their birth nations. White nationalists are not supremacists like the Confederacy as they do not seek to oppress non-whites, but merely live away from them. In that sense, they are the opposite of supremacists as they believe non-whites should be free to run their nations as they wish.
  5. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    White Nationalists are of course different from White Supremacists in their political goals because White Nationalists wish to separate from non-Whites and have a White nation while White Supremacists wish to dominate non-Whites (ex. keep them as slaves, take their land or maintain a social hierarchy where Whites rule) but they are similar to White Supremacists when it comes to their views on racial differences because it is important to White Nationalists to argue that certain races are mentally inferior. The only major difference is that White Nationalists don't feel the need to argue that Whites are mentally superior. They can concede intellectual superiority to Asians or Jews while still arguing superiority to Blacks. So they are still racists just like the White Supremacists just with different goals. One could also argue that White Supremacy evolved in to White Nationalism if you look at the history of the White Nationalist movement. Its ideological forebears were Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and Segregationists among other racist hate groups. There are very few true White Supremacist organizations around.
  6. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Good question, although I'm not a race "realist" since I don't believe that the scientific evidence is there to justify a genetic basis for lower PISA/SAT/IQ scores, I honestly can't think of a single policy change that you would enact if that were the case. We don't do anything for lower IQ people of any race now and I don't see any policy to do anything for them.
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  7. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    We would like a place where these beautiful genetic traits are not lost in a sea of brown:



    and a place where this culture is not lost:



  8. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    So if the end game is separation, what is stopping you from seperating. And why is race realism even relevant in regards to "separating"? Seems as if you can have separation without race realism. Yet many people state how important race realism is, but it seems kind of irrelevant.
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  9. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Marxism, mainly. Apparently a "race problem" exists if there are no non-white minorities around and too many white people.

    "Race realism" is kind of a subjective concept. Someone can be a race realist by simply having an awareness of racial issues. I see it as simply acknowledging that there are real differences between races.
  10. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    The end game for race realists? Hmmm. I don't know, being lynched or burnt on a cross? Or beaten to death at the edge street of the ghetto? Hehehe.
  11. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    In a worldwide genetic mix, the blue eye and blond hair will die out. And considering the overwhelming number of Asians, the whites will disappear altogether. Although you may not need Asians for this, because we Whites love nothing more than killing each other anyways.
  12. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Vladimir Putin is offering 2.5 acres of land for free to people willing to move to the country’s Siberian wilderness in a bid to boost the area’s economy. Perhaps Siberia is their final destination where they could live in complete isolation from other ethnic groups.

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  13. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    How is Marxism stopping you? As many white nationalist seem to be on the web, and seem to be good at throwing money around. You would think you can get a handful of people to fly a plane, get a few million put together, and you just find some Island. I mean it seems like it would be that simple. I'm sure there are logistics to it, but I can't see where this isn't a sound game plan? And if you hit some blockades in creating your sovereign all white nation, then seems like the effort is better spent fighting that battle. Just seem like white nationalist like to waste a lot of time identifying problems that are more or less foregone conclusions in your mind. Clearly all white nationalist feel that whites should live off on their own. And I honestly don't think anyone is going to stop you if you decided to pull your resources together and created your own thing.
  14. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Marxism is the reason why white countries, and only white countries, are being bombarded with non-white immigration. You don't see black countries being flooded with non-black immigrants in the millions.

    Europe should be a white homeland. It's where whites came from, after all. The continent doesn't need non-white "refugees" and other immigrants. Marxism keeps European whites from acknowledging this.

    They already tried what you are advocating. There are no large islands that are not owned by someone already, and trying to take them over is a violation of the neutrality act.
  15. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Yeah, because colonialism totally didn't exist for over 500 years. And yeah there are many non-white people in Africa, and yes they're in the millions.

    There are plenty of countries in Europe that are well over 90% white if not more. There are some countries where there is diversity of course, but as a whole Europea is pretty damn white. And this is especially true for Eastern Europe. I mean you have a ton of countries to choose from if you really wanted to make something happen. I don't think anyone would stop you.

    You can just buy it from them, duh.
  16. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    How is that relevant?

    Millions of non-black people are not coming into Africa every year.

    None of those countries have anything in place to prevent more "diversity" from taking place. In fact, some are doing everything they can to change the population of those countries for political gain.

    Oh, right. :roll:
  17. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Probably not, but there are several million of non blacks in Africa.

    Oh well, apparently most of Eastern Europe doesn't need any real "diversity" limiting practices, since no one seemingly wants to go there anyway. I mean if you're an American and you hate the diversity here, you're a whole lot better off in Eastern Europe than here. The immigration policy isn't going to get strict any time soon, and we're pretty far from being an all white society here. So you're better off just packing your bags and heading to Eastern Europe somewhere. Not going to be perfect, but I think that's about as close to all white perfection as you can get. Wouldn't you agree?

    A lot of Islands are privately owned. Can't see how you and a lot of your white buddies can't get a few thousand on the internet to get some money together and just purchase an Island. I mean we have independently wealthy people purchasing Islands all the time. And since it's full of white people with VERY VERY high IQs, you are definitely slated for success. I mean, I'm just trying to figure something out for you, since white nationalist don't seem all that solutions drive.
  18. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    And Africa is under no real threat of not being a black homeland.

    There's still enough white areas left in the US, for the time being. Hopefully Europe will come to its senses at some point and reverse the course it is on. The real question is why do blacks insist on coming to, and living in, the whitest countries on Earth?

    Why limit it to just an island? Whites had entire continents set up for themselves.
  19. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    What is race realism? never heard the term before.
  20. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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  21. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    I see more self-segregation, more ghettos, more gated communities. I see an end to most immigration.
  22. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Realistically your options are pretty limitedMOD EDIT>>>BYPASSING THE PROFANITY FILTER<<< I laughed when I first heard of White Nationalism. I considered it a joke and still do. But for those who are serious about it I look at it like this....what moral right do you have to claim any territory exclusively for White people? The Earth doesn't belong to you. People have a right to live wherever they want. When it comes to European countries at the very least you can claim that your people are indigenous to those countries and that is your homeland. But when it comes to the United States of America or Australia for example those regions are not the native homelands of Whites. You can say your ancestors conquered the land fair and square but if might makes right then if someone takes it from you through force or immigration then you have nothing to complain about.

    The only way you can feasibly create a White ethno-state is if you get enough White people to agree with your ideological views in order to vote to make your racist social policies the law. In the current political landscape that is a fantasy. There is no country on Earth where you are going to be able to do that. You would have to get enough media attention for Whites to even listen to you. There is no platform for you to do that. The Mainstream Media won't pay attention to you. The internet is not powerful enough to accomplish this. This just wouldn't happen. Even if one country's White population endorsed White Nationalism it would be seen as a human rights violation by the other countries who do not believe in White Nationalism. If some country in Europe did it America alone would be enough to topple their government and set them straight. If America did it and White Americans were strongly in favor of White Nationalism this could probably be achieved because America has a lot of wealth and a strong military but they are not going to achieve this without a fight. Minorities will stand up for their rights, foreigners will try their best to intervene. The situation would probably bring about World War III.

    But again none of that is going to happen because first you would have to convince enough White people to support your cause and racism has been eradicated from the political arena. Racists do not have political power and I don't expect them to ever have it again. So your best option is to buy a small island that is large enough for all of the White Nationalists to come to or for White Nationalists to build their own communities within the Whitest parts of whatever country they currently live in. In America I believe that some White Nationalists have decided to move to the Midwest where they will not be around a lot of non-Whites. Your options are very limited right now and it will be even worse for your in the future as more immigrants come to Europe and America. However your racial aesthetics and culture will not cease to exist so long as White people continue to have babies and socialize among themselves. So don't worry there will still be White people for many generations to come....looking White and acting White (whatever that means). The Whites will not disappear. But White Nationalism will never achieve its goal.

    Alternatively instead of clinging to a fringe ideology that is never going to bear fruit you can stop being racist and learn to get along with people. There is always that.
  23. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Where are black and brown people flourishing in black, brown or white nations? How do black and brown people benefit white majority nations?
  24. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    What is the point of asking these questions other than to try to legitimize White Nationalist arguments? Black people in America are doing a lot better today than they were during segregation that is for sure.
  25. clarkeT

    clarkeT Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I don't know a damn thing about 'race realism'. But I do know this. Until humankind of all walks of life and especially those in positions of whatever power is bestowed upon them realize that indeed first and foremost we are all human beings, or just humans that need to somehow find a way to shed the shackles of the many labels of race or racism and instead focus on the greater good and survivability for humankind we more likely to be doomed rather than saved from ourselves and our world. Sorry for the run on sentence, but you'll just have to get over it.

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