Which will rule the West in 50 years? Islam or Marxism?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Teutorian, Jul 26, 2013.


Who will rule the West?

  1. Marxism

    10 vote(s)
  2. Islam

    7 vote(s)
  3. Other

    22 vote(s)
  1. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Before you chime in with wishful thinking about some conservative comeback, let me just say that conservatism has already lost, utterly and completely.
    As it turns out, the meek will not inherit the Earth, and will instead inherit absolutely nothing.


    We can dismiss these people entirely, because... well, it's obvious.
    They've already lost, and their failure is absolutely, unequivocally and utterly complete.

    "A new power is rising. It's victory is at hand."

    So which is it?

    Marxism has been without equal over the last 100 years in its ability to attain its results, to infiltrate and take over nearly every strategic position of power in influence in all nations where it was strategically advantageous to do so. Nations where they have been unable to do this, they have crushed into dust and ash with their power and their influence. They are now so embedded in Western society that even "conservatives" or people who claim to be against them are forced to accept their dogmas. What conservatives once opposed, they now wholeheartedly accept. What conservatives oppose today, in 20 years they'll wholeheartedly accept. That has been the pattern for a century and it isn't changing. Marxism has now become the lord and master of Western civilization, and it's basically just mopping up the last remnants of resistance.

    There is also Islam.


    As you can see, Islam is really the last of the three major religions of the God Jehovah that takes its religion deathly serious. 12 years ago, with the fall of the World Trade Center, Americans likely thought Islam was in for quite the surprise, and the enemies of America would soon be wiped off the face of the Earth. Fast forward to today and Islam has more influence over the U.S. government than do American conservatives. American bungling in the Middle East has strengthened the cause of Jihad ten fold, strengthened Iran, delivered Iraq to Islamic radicals, and accomplished absolutely nothing in Afghanistan save bankrupting our nation. The Islamic invasion of Europe continues unhindered, and the U.K. will probably be an Islamic state within the next 20 years and in 37 years, likely sooner, will have an Islamic majority.

    So which of these two factions is going to emerge in absolute victory?
    Marxism, Islam... or is there a 3rd, now unseen faction yet to make an appearance on the Western stage?
    The rise of Nationalism in Europe seems to be the only possible third contender, looking at the situation honestly and not through rose-colored glasses.
  2. Spiritus Libertatis

    Spiritus Libertatis New Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Marxism failed already.

    Socialism will rise, then be quashed by Islam.

    Get ready for the new Dark Ages people. Yet another uncivilized religion think it knows better than Western Civilization and will obliterate it in the name of their god.
  3. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Marxism = International egalitarian Socialism = what we have.
    Potatoe, Pawtatoe.

    As for the rest of your post, quite possible, perhaps probable.

    It's all a question of will power, as always, and one would be foolish at this point to question or doubt the will of Islamo-Fascism.
  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    In 50 years? I think for Europe, Islam will be the new ideology. Those who disagree with it will have either have left or have come to terms with being quite about it. Although I think Europe is probably in for civil war before they get to that point.

    As for the US, Marxism, only probably not by that name.
  5. Politically Incorrect

    Politically Incorrect New Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    At most, 5% of the UK population would identify themselves as Muslim. There are parts of the UK, especially rural areas, where whites often account for 99% of the population with very few minorities in these areas. In Northern Ireland for example, the 2011 Census shows that a staggering 98% of the population is white.

    While your views are often extremely hyperbolic, they do have a degree of validity. If the UK Parliament doesn't crack down on immigration into the country, white people could very well be the minority in the distant future.

    EDIT: Not that I care though, I hope to emigrate to the USA after I finish my Law degree at University.
  6. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    You can be capitalist without being conservative. Face it, capitalism is in American's blood...it will make a comeback. It's our way of life, you're being a bit dramatic here thinking it's doomed
  7. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    I'm inclined to think Marxism is on the verge of returning to its 20th century self in the decades to come, and if that's true, Islam, should it need to be, will be smashed beneath its iron jack-boot.
    I think the pacifism of the leftist elite has been a giant charade used rather effectively to undermine Western national security. It's something they preach while on the outside, to the inside.
    Now that they're thoroughly on the inside, I expect that to completely vanish.

    We're already seeing Soviet Union style policies in the form of the NSA, etc, now that a devout Marxist has taken the White House. It's only a matter of time before they forcefully come for the 2nd Amendment, and the demographic shift in America especially will mark a distinct change in the leftist narrative which I predict will become increasingly militant. We're seeing the rapid rise of a police-state, and a police-state is not run with butterflies and waterfalls.

    At least in America, I think it's entirely possible the leftist elite is simply allowing Islam to create its catastrophes that will not go wasted.
  8. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    In case you didn't notice, "America's blood" is being displaced by Hispanic blood, and the blood of the third world, who don't care at all about America's historic economic principles and bring to the nation their own set of values.

    Maybe you've been away for awhile.
  9. JEFF9K

    JEFF9K New Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Any examples of true Marxism?
  10. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    You're jumping to conclusions prematurely. The left isn't as organized as you make them out to be; they don't have a grandiose, patient plan to achieve their ultimate goals (for many thats communism). It's more organic than that. Each individual leftist is selfish, and wants more for himself. Since leftists are typically more lazy and less capable than rightists, they go about it in a different manner but in the end they're just being selfish, they don't conspire together for the ideology like you think they do. Only their minions do that.

    For instance, a leftist politician is interested in power; they gain more power by being radical and implementing more communist policies, yes. But they aren't doing it for "the greater cause" and collaborating on a global scale like you think. They don't think 20 years down the road and aren't patient enough to do so. Remember, these are leftists we're talking about here, they're generally scumbags. Do scumbags care about an ideology? No. Do scumbags plan decades ahead, being lazy like they are? No. So you're wrong in your conclusions about leftists taking over everything and turning it into Marxism. Not sure why you want to jump to this conclusion, but you overrate the enemy.
  11. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    No offense, as this isn't meant as an insult against your people, but is just my own observation, but I don't think the white majority has the will at all to resist what is coming to their country, so that majority isn't something I think Islam should fret over in the slightest. Even if Nationalism rises again in Europe to drive out the Islamic invasion, which I think is a distinct and very real possibility, I believe England is going to fall.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm not going to get into an argument with a Marxist insisting that Stalinism, Maoism, etc, isn't true Marxism, because you don't think they're good examples.
    It's meaningless. Marxism = Marxists in power, regardless of the fall out.
  12. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    First off, the native americans (predominantly white but include many blacks etc.) are entrenched here. Regardless of having say 30 million more hispanics, they are still going to struggle to get a foothold on the real powerbase in America. Sure, they can vote and sure they can get their politicians in who are leftists, but our elite will outdo them. Not our politicians, but our elite (the capitalists, CEOs, corporate gurus etc.). They are way ahead of all of this I'm sure, and will work to keep their power base.

    It's kind of like you can have 30 million more people flailing their arms going "communism! communism!" but ultimately they're just voices....not going to do that much damage

    - - - Updated - - -

    There are still plenty of capitalists left in the US, and most important the capitalists tend to have the most power in our society. So it'll be okay, if things changed dramatically in the next 20-30 years in that sense THEN I'll consider what you have to say. Right now you're just acting like a leftist; emotionally and reactive, dramatic etc. Calm down, lest you become like them.
  13. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    In the 20th century they seized control of the entertainment industry, the media, the newspapers, one political party, academia, etc.
    I don't think I over estimate them at all. On the contrary, I think you drastically under estimate them and live in a fairy tale where John Wayne will ride in to save you at any moment.
    Where America is today has been a hundred years in the making. It is a testament to the patience and cunning and will of the leftist elite.
  14. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Of course its in the current americans' blood, but the point is that the people, and thus their bloods, are changing. Muslims don't have capitalism at all in their veins. Now, I don't actually believe the US will become muslim like europe will.

    I voted Islam, but that's only for europe and not america. I think that either Europe will slowly and steadily islamise. This is just a matter of looking at the statistics, and by seeing that the western culture is a weak and insecure one whilst the muslim one is the opposite. Stronger cultures take over weak ones. Simple as that. ANd muslims don't seem to be very fond of leftism either, so the leftists are really digging their own graves. Ironically, they will actually pave the way for a very conservative europe, but a islamic conservatism which they probably dislike even more than modern european one. Well, well, smart move on behalf of the marxists I suppose!

    OR, europe will see increasing ethynic tension and fall back into some like fascism. Its not unlikely that parties that want to deport whole ethnicities would gain a lot of support while the white people are still dominant. But of course, the immigrant population would be rather big by then, so it wouldn't be that easy and there'd be blood. race riots.

    As for america, I think they will just continue on their part towards fascism and police state. But the people, seeing whats happening in europe will see that multiculturalism isn't that terribly good and they will opt out of it.
  15. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Which capitalists are you talking about? The ones that are too big to fail?
  16. Politically Incorrect

    Politically Incorrect New Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    No offence taken, I'm going to reserve my judgement until the 2015 General Election, if UKIP makes some gains, the UK might end up going in the right direction.
  17. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Again, you're acting like a leftist. Do you really think the *******s can outdo our elite? No, they can't. Because they're lazy and don't plan ahead, they suck in essence.

    By elite I'm not talking about just conservative politicians or "John Wayne." I'm talking about Wall Street etc. Do they associate with conservatives generally? No, because it's not in their interest to do so. But you can be sure they are capitalists and capitalism allows them to thrive, so they will defend it. They just won't be vocal about it. That's what leftists do, they whine. The capitalists will work behind the scenes to keep their powerbase and a capitalist economy is generally going to be the best for them. Generally.

    Goldman Sachs is a great example. They give money to both parties, but ultimately they're capitalists. While the OWS bums are out running around with picket signs and pooping on cars, GS was making $. They are the best example because they're not conservative but they're certainly capitalist, and they're going to keep things that way. The OWS crowd can poop on cars all they want, what does GS care?
  18. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    News flash: Marxism does not care about your Constitution, they do not care about your rule of law, they do not care about fair play and they definitely do not care about other peoples opinions.
    When the far left feels it is ready, the "Wall Street Elite" you think is going to save America (lol) will either conform or they will be put in prison (or worse), and if history has taught us anything about the left, it's that.

    I think it's completely ridiculous for you to think that a stockbroker is going to save America from Marxism.
    Your elite have no country, and have absolutely no loyalty to this one. They'll either conform, be thrown in prison, worse, or flee the country to their foreign bank accounts.
  19. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    I like you, you're more level-headed than this other guy who seems to almost want the marxists to take over and become a martyr or something. It's kind of weird actually. Anyways, to address your points.

    1. We both agree Islam isn't going to take over America, good. No further discussion needed.

    2. Well fascism and a police state are different from marxism, so I won't discuss that.

    3. There WILL be a reaction to Marxism if it really starts to take over. We need a catalyst, or several catalysts, but over the span of decades there's plenty of time for that. Most Americans might be getting a bit more liberal, but they get pissed when you take their $ from them. I think Deathshead is kind of unpatriotic and doesn't have enough trust in other Americans here. We're not decadent like most Europeans where we go "oh well this is all okay, as long as I live a relatively comfortable life." Which is the essence of Marxism, everyone lives relatively comfortably. Americans tend to look for more than just living comfortably, a product of that being our work ethic compared to other nations.

    So while I think our social views are definitely changing, IMO evolving to be more liberal (good), I don't think our economic views are going to swap over the way Mr. Dramatic here thinks they are. It's just not in our nature, regardless of politics.

    4. Mexicans coming here in more numbers - yes, this is disconcerting but two things. 1. Within a few generations many will assimilate, MOST NOTABLY the ones who are successful. This has been a historical pattern, unless you're a racist there's no reason to think Mexican won't do the same for the most part. 2. Like I said, if they don't find success (at which point they will probably assimilate) then they only have voting power. And politics only drives our society so much, thank god. We're not the USSR where politicans rule everything. It's the opposite; politicians are subservient to to the capitalist elite for the most part. So while Mexicans not assimilating can increase the Marxist vote count, that's about it. And that will only go so far
  20. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Considering Nationalist parties are on the rise all over Europe, and not anywhere in America, it seems to me that quite the opposite is true.
    I also think you believe wishful thinking, empty rhetoric, and being naive means `patriotic.`

    Waving a flag at a 4th of July BBQ isn't going to get you out of this one, nor is sitting in a lawn chair with a "Don't Tread On Me" banner
  21. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Neither. It's going to be a long down hill slide for the right, then in say 100 years it's going to switch back, and the left is going to take control again. As to religion, I see Atheism starting to gain ground, as secularism takes hold in all sorts of other areas. As we in Egypt now, liberals there (Not liberal liberals) are seeing what happens when religion takes hold in the political system.
  22. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    I guess we differ here in our views on the true capitalists in America. While many are small business owners (good on them no sarcasm) most of the power is in the hands of Wall Street elite. And I consider them to be uber capitalists by nature. And that's awesome, because it means we still have the powerbase in America to prevent the lazy Marxists from taking over.

    For example, the Too Big to Fail situation. Is it capitalist to bail them out in the pure sense? No. It's not. But are the Wall Street execs asking for the bailouts still exercising the self-interest that drives capitalism? Absolutely. It's just global capitalism now, we're not going back to the days of mom'n'pop shops anymore, and capitalism WILL evolve. There will be contradictions such as the bailouts, but in the end the capitalists will remain capitalist because said capitalism is the most beneficial to them.
  23. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Marxism has nothing to do with Wall Street capitalists. Communist nations have their rich elite, so long as they're willing to be cogs for the machine and support the leadership with lavish lifestyles and state with capital.

    It's the middle class that gets crushed, leaving behind a nation of slaves dependent on the state for its every day survival.
  24. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    Oh my god you're so dramatic lol, I think it's racism that drives your insistence on being a martyr (not that I care about you being a bigot, doesn't matter to me that much). The MARXISTS CAN'T TAKE OVER; THEY CAN ONLY GET MORE FOOD STAMPS (and possibly healthcare) for their voter base. Marxists just aren't up to par with our capitalist overlords lol. They'll get schooled before they even get halfway to turning us communist.

    It's not "stockbrokers." You're so clueless about the economy if that's what you think WS represents; they hold all the money, the clients who have the $ and they're going to wield it to defend their own $. You act like every Marxist is Lenin and every major banker is just a salesman. It's not like that. It's the reverse lol.
  25. Murikawins

    Murikawins Banned at Members Request

    Jan 5, 2013
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    I take it back. You should continue to be dramatic, seriously. It's can't do our cause any harm I guess even if it's out of touch with reality.

    BTW, I'm not being patriotic, I'm being realistic.

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