Keeping Their Voters Stupid Keeps Republicans Elected

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by PeppermintTwist, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. mak2

    mak2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Sorry if I gave the wrong impression but I am far from a social consrervative, although I am antiabortion. Thanks for your perspective.
  2. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh sorry, I misunderstoodified. I forgot about growing support for pot legalization as well among Millenials which is another indicator of increased Libertarianism.
  3. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Because you are so used to using the race card just as the OP did, that you don't recognize you and the left are the actual racists because it is second nature to you. You go around calling people racist one hundred times a day, and the only racism you see is the one person who objects. See! Proof you are a racist! You don't count the 100 times you were racist, just the one time someone objected.

    The people bringing it up, in this case the OP, is the racist.
  4. mak2

    mak2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Oh well that makes it perfectly clear. :smile:
  5. Flaming Moderate

    Flaming Moderate New Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Actually, the most recent numbers on real recovery rates on amounts billed I could find:

    Hospitals – 15.3 %. Non-hospitals – 21.8%.

    (Source: ACA International’s Top Collection Markets Survey, Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2013.)
  6. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Being a conservative means holding a certain philosophy, not that a person is to the "right" of the average politician in his political arena. It is not relative or dependent upon the environment. A conservative will be a conservative in every state.

    For example. Mitt Romney is *labeled* a conservative in Massachussetts because he is less socialist than typical Massachussetts politicians. But he is not a conservative as he is a believer in big, intrusive, active government and is closer to being a "progressive" than being a conservative.

    As for Cruz, he isnt perfect and anyone entering politics is probably going to have an ego and be susceptible to getting caught up in the hoopla. And anyone who threatens the powers that be is going to get smeared and misrepresented, so I give those people the benefit of the doubt.
  7. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Kind of funny that you try to divide conservatives into two groups. I assume a Social Conservative must be a financial liberal and a Financial Conservative must be a social liberal. Then of course we should divide the Liberals In a similar fashion into Social liberals who are financial conservatives and Fiscal liberals who are Social conservatives.

    Pretty soon we are going to be so confused that we will have to abandon all those meaningless labels and just discuss issues.
  8. mak2

    mak2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    This is really the problem with a two party system if one thinks for himself and doesnt just follow the party line.
  9. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    If you are 68 look at what you last Medicare statement shows that Medicare was billed versus what they actually paid. This difference is just about the same as what insurance companies pay versus what they are billed. Get back to us.

    Or you can give us some actual data as opposed to a made up example. Or just do a search and you can verify the difference between what Hospitals and doctors bill versus what insurance companies actually pay.
  10. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    In todays world the lines between Conservative and Liberal are more than a little blurred, Funny though that you basically said what I had stated, one cannot simply look at the label and tell whether someone is truly a Liberal or Conservative. I would add that there is a middle set of ideals, and that is the Moderate, which I consider myself to be in general, meaning that we hold some Conservative values and at the same time hold some that are Liberal in nature meaning neither Party truly represents my overall point of view. One of these days we actually get a Party that represents that point of view and then the two Big Two will have their hands full. The Libertarian Party is close but not really there, plus they simply cannot seem to breakthrough at the local levels of government meaning they cannot truly hold power at higher levels and be successful, Ron Paul is a perfect example of that and why he had to pretend to be a Republican to get elected.
  11. Riot

    Riot New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    I would love to see how many left wing voters could explain QE3. Left wing thrives on keeping their base stupid to use them as political pawns.
  12. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    In case you missed it there has been a bit of a civil war in the GOP over the last few years. Fiscal conservatives are just that, they really only care about economic issues. They are either antpathetical or supportive of things like gay marriage and even abortion. Most Republicans under 30 support gay marriage as does pretty much anyone under 30. The biggest difference between fiscal conservatives and Libertarians is probably on defense.

    Yes there are actually conservative Democrats as well. They are much rarer in the party and you can tell them when ever any anti-gun legislation comes up as they vote against it.

    Social conservatives are similar to liberals in that they want to tell other people how to live. As I said the only thing separating them from liberals is degree of intrusion.
  13. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    "Over the past six years after every election, a relatively common question is why do so many Americans dependably vote against their own self-interests. Despite poor white people in southern red states barely surviving on slave wages, welfare, food stamps, and no adequate healthcare, they routinely vote for Republicans openly campaigning on driving their constituents deeper into poverty. It is true that opposition to Democrats as surrogates for an African American President is driven by racial animus, but even that fails to explain poor white voters electing abusive Republicans promising to eliminate programs that keep them alive and block Democratic attempts to lift them out of poverty. "

    Ahh it's the smart voters in the South who know that it is Republican governors and officials who have brought Hyundai, KIA, Austel, Airbus, Nucor, Servestal, AM-NS (ThyssenKrupp), Nissan, Honda, Mercedes, Toyota, and a host of other companies here with good HIGH paying jobs along with all the Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers.

    So why would you assert the smarter voters are those who vote for Democrats who instead offer more government dependence and more welfare while they attempt to tax out of existence jobs.

    But do tell me, as an American and as a Southerner, how voting Democrat will help me and be specific.
  14. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Post your evidence to prove that left wing voters are any more ignorant about QE than right wing voters. Then to prove how smart you are tell us the ramifications of QE and whether or not you think the Fed bond buying has achieved its goal of lowering interest rates.
  15. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Your definition of a conservative Democrat is someone who votes pro-NRA?
  16. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    You see these ignorant voters as being "played" by the republicans, while I see the ignorance being used by both political parties. For neither the repubs nor the dems are representing the best interests of the majority of americans. And the evidence for this assertion is the existence of the Corporate State, the Oligarchy, instead of a working, functional Constitutional Republic. The Republicans could not have transformed America without the Democrats, enough of them, getting on board with the Republican hyper pro big business, pro too big to jail banking sector.

    While NAFTA, which Perot railed against as sucking middle class jobs out of America so a few elites could profit greater, was indeed concocted in great secrecy by the Bush Sr. Republicans and the men that they represent, the elites. Clinton signed it, after pressuring dems in congress to vote for it. And that opened Pandora's Box, with even more coming forth from both the dems and the repubs, which changed the economic model that made American prosperous in the first place. That is, not being obsessed with the cheapest priced widget, but to emphasize the health and expansion of our middle class by manufacturing what we consumed, not at the cheapest price, but at a price that would yield living wages and a middle class. It also was a tremendous ladder up from poverty, manufacturing what we consumed. But the elites, the corporations, the banks cannot max out their own profits with such an economic model, and they bribed gov't to change it. Into something that only benefited a small group of men.

    Now, if you want to keep social safety nets alive and well, and even make them better care for displaced americans, you will vote for a democrat. No doubt about that. But I don't want greater safety nets, but jobs that would replace them, and pay living wages. But you will not get this from republicans. All you get from repubs is cutting spending on safety nets, as they support sending more jobs to places that have huge numbers of poor, who can be exploited by greed driven capitalism.

    So the question is, can americans wake up, and understand that neither of the two parties actually represent their best interests? And vote for a 3rd party, and keep voting in that manner until we clean out the cesspool, the men who committed treason on the average American, and destroy this Corporate State using ballots?

    To think that the current democrats will help out average people, which at one time indeed they did, is delusional. We already know the repubs will never help out anyone but the elites and this has been the case for my entire life. Almost 70 years of life.

    Now, the left side, the Naders, the Chris Hedges of this world, they do have the solution, but they are not reflected in the current democratic party. The major part of the democratic party are nothing more than men who support the Corporate State, and are bribed just as much as the republicans by the elites.
  17. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    One of the criteria would be that. Texas is full of pro-gun and pro life Democrats. Reid has deliberately stalled votes precisely because he was trying to protect them from voting on issues that would hurt them in their primaries or in their general elections. If they vote against legislation that is considered "Republican" then it will help them in their primary but hurt them in the general election and if they oppose that same legislation it will hurt them in the general election where liberals always lie and pretend to be moderates. Of course his plan backfired because the only stuff he let through was stuff that he and Obama supported which is why you see all these political ads about such and such voting 97% of the time with Obama.
  18. Riot

    Riot New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    That's my point exactly. Prove to me the the right is keeping it's base dumb like the OP says!!!! It's BS.
  19. Flaming Moderate

    Flaming Moderate New Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Moderates are extinct. Didn't you get the memo?
  20. Flaming Moderate

    Flaming Moderate New Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I'll claim about 4 Billion dollars worth of proof that all of the parties are depending on low information voters.

    If candidates didn't depend on low information voters, they would have talked to the issues, not trying to distort and twist their opponents voting records. Virtually all negative advertising depends on the voters not knowing the real facts of the events, else wouldn't be needed. It is little wonder that we hate all the parties and are repelled by the lies, half truths, and misrepresentations.

    It's not confined to the campaign trail. The same tactics are used daily by both sides to demonize their political foes. Read the Congressional record, no one can be that deliberately misinformed or bias towards one viewpoint without being aware of the rational arguments of their opponents. It is the worst of an adversary system, a continuous argument with the aim of winning, not governing.
  21. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    As I informed you, research has indicated that individuals who are politically liberal are more likely to have higher ability than those who are politically conservative in America (Kanazawa, 2010) and Britain (Deary, Batty, & Gale, 2008 ) but if you need to pretend that all those better-educated folks in traditionally "blue" states who enjoy higher income and better health are dumb folks, and that the poorer, less-educated "red" states are teeming with geniuses to prop up your self-esteem, do so, by all means. It really doesn't concern me.
  22. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Yes, but a higher ability to fantasize and fool ones self is not especially productive.
  23. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    And as you completely ignored what I stated several times now that same research showed that liberals are in the middle of the road. The most intelligent people are one that are socially liberal but also economically liberal as well.........not to be confused with modern day liberalism which favors regulations and restrictions. They simple lump all conservatives in one group and that is just bad science. Libertarians and fiscal conservatives are simply smarter than liberals. Read the links I posted. At least you can run around and say your better than social conservatives........but Libertarians and fiscal conservatives are smarter than you.
  24. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    The right does worship Buffet, at least his wealth . The only thing that stops them from licking Buffet's anus is that he is a democrat.

    Cradle to grave? No, the right believed in sending jobs to first mexico and then a communist state so that working people would lose living wage jobs, and then when these same people used safety nets, the right blames that on the workers who lost their jobs so the elites could get richer.

    The right have tries to keep the rich elites from paying taxes, and would rather everyone pay the same rates, even if it meant the poor would be spending food money on taxes.

    NDAA happened under a republican, Pres Bush, and Obama kept that policy up and even expanded it. Like a good oligarch should.

    The right allowed the illegals to pour in just a badly as the dems. Oh, they wanted to build a fence, for they knew that would not stop the flood, and they needed that flood so their business constituents could fire americans who wanted a living wage and hire an illegal who would work for min wage, if that.
    If someone in congress wanted to take the carrots away, with the carrot being businessmen who would employ illegals, the republicans would opposed going after the carrots. Instead of taking the carrots away, by throwing their constituents in jail for breaking our laws, they wanted a fence, for they knew it would not work.

    Both parties are treasonous bastards. End of story. That anyone would think contrary just shows the depth of the delusion. When will the average American ever figure out that neither party represents the best interests of the majority in America? How anyone could ever believe a republican is FOR the average guy is beyond the pale. Don't listen to what their lying mouths utter, but just watch their legislation, or what they really want to legislate. Actions speak louder than words.

    The worst possible thing for average americans is a Corporate State, an Oligarchy. And that is exactly what the republicans have turned this nation into, with help from the treasonous democrats. And you guys want more of the same from the repubs? For that is exactly what you will get.
    The trouble is this, republican voters don't have a clue as to what is actually going on with this republican party. Which makes them even dumber than a democratic voter.
  25. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I agree both bases manage to keep themselves dumb without much help.

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