That is a VERY nice number. Next year it will surely be even more. I predict a budget deficit of $500billion by 2015. Nice job Obama!!!
Its not obama its the tea party forcing the government to make cuts, like the sequester. obama and pals were crying about this for the past year, and now those idiots wanna take credit. obamas a freakn joke
Just the wrong time to be reducing the deficit. I expect a recession by 2nd qtr 2014 if this continues.
now if your faithful leader did this from the first day in 2009 we wouldnt be in the mess he put us in..but that probably went over your head ..right?
Really, the man introduces us to $Trillion dollar deficits, and now wants credit for reducing the yearly deficit because its not still a Trillion.
Seriously, any idiot can waste trillions and then cut back to billions and claim a success on their part. What a joke.
Heh! You are definitely thanking the wrong guy, but I did predict that Obama would try to take credit for the sequester cuts that he tried to stop! The Budget Sequester Is a Success
Yeah, Obama, great job -- uh, wait a minute. Let's see, when Idiot Bush left office, the National Debt was $10.6 TRILLION DOLLARS! That is just gut-bucket awful, and no doubt about it! But, oh, after 4 1/2 years of President Magnificent's superb leadership, at this moment the National Debt is $16.9 TRILLION DOLLARS! You can cook the books, float bogus numbers (and then revise them later), kite phony unemployment numbers (and then revise them later, too), and choreograph a lavish economic Kabuki dance to dazzle the weak-minded, but, when the bull**** is stripped away, the DEBT is what remains, period.... The really tragic thing is that after all this "rescue", "quantitative easing", spending, debt, and all the other horsecrap, LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE FOR A "RECOVERY"! If it weren't so nauseating, it would be the biggest joke in decades....
Obama did his big spending after he leaves office. Republicans blocked his budget and jobs bill. Sequester was good. What other cuts made by him do you like? Are you worried less gains will be realized next year because of the tax hike like they always have historically? - - - Updated - - - Plus his big spending hasn't kicked in yet.
Just utter fear mongering and conspiracy theories. You must get your opinions from blogs. You are not educated enough to understand such a complex thing. ( I felt like feeding your usual bull(*)(*)(*)(*) back to you)
Did you post this way when the Republican party did the same and got away with it until Wall Street enlighten the foolish?
Sure seems to me like the sequester cuts - which I was strongly in favor of - have been doing their job. Nice job Republicans!!!
I hope you do know that the budget for 2009 was a Bush Budget, and that the incoming President has no power to change it. This is true for every new President, has been since Washington left office. To not understand this simple fact is to be ignorant of how our Government is set up and run.
then you do know that there was no budget passed for the spending year 2009 and when obama got in office he signed his one trillion dollar stimullus package that started in 2009..but that was so long ago you probably forgot that part already..right?
No, Don... we are in hell. Fifty-three percent of us put us into hell the first time, and last year fifty-one percent of us voted to KEEP us in hell. Or, more palatable to those with no belief in the idea of a "hell", we are in a nightmarish insane asylum. Worse, we are in such a miserable situation now that, in a completely corrupted, perverse way the Keynesians may be right! It may be that we are so far down Obama's socialist road that the only way we can avoid a complete trainwreck of the economy is to keep on spending and spending and spending. I know. This is how Frankie Roosevelt thought he would save the economy during the 1930's. I know. Frankie and Winston shut off Japan's oil while both the US and Britain were at peace with them, forced the inevitable, concomitant war, and the resultant gigantic war spending finally saved the economy. War is not going to swoop in and save the Obama regime, so they're going to go on spending and spending and spending. This may make the other 49% of us want to puke from our toenails up, but now there is no other course, at least not for four more, long, miserable, hellish years, and by then, with the toxin of Obamacare and permanent welfare dependency in the national bloodstream, we're going to be completely ****ed anyway....
This is false. Much of Stimulus was put into the 2009 Budget. And other things. YOu blaming Bush for that ?
A continuing resolution was passed. The Stimulus bill, which helped stop the freefall of the economy. Had it not been put into place, we would have gone easily to over 30% unemployment, and the banking system would have collapsed. Now, was the stimulus money allocated well?, no, far too much of it went to tax breaks for the wealthy, which had very little stimulative effect, and not enough went to infrastructure, but those choices were made in order to get it through Congress.
So, are you saying the sequester is working? I thought the entire civilized world was going to collapse because of it.
Of course its working. Just like the other cuts the TEA PARTY forced obama and pals to swallow, so they could raise our debt limit.