Mass Murderer Obama orders more drone attacks against civilains.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by 9/11 was an inside job, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. LIEberal

    LIEberal New Member

    Jul 28, 2012
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    I like the part where people think that obama can assassinate whoever he wants to without anyone knowing. Because missiles and bombs are so unnoticeable.
  2. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    so thats your lame comeback when yopu cant counter facts that Obama and Bush are mass murderers? your almost as hysterical as frady cat deniar sillicon.:mrgreen:
  3. GodTom

    GodTom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2011
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    Obama, the noble prize winner, is not a mass murderer. He is bringing peace to the Mid East.
  4. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Anyone who believes that 9/11 was an inside job really has no interest in facts. Nobody gives a (*)(*)(*)(*) about a few muslims in Yemen getting taken out by a hellfire missile, except those who have an agenda that is sympathetic to the enemy they refuse to call as such.
  5. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Your a wind up merchant.... with social problems!
    Pray tell... what gives your degenerates the right to fire missiles at a country which is trying to get rid of a dictatorship....... and America! Yer like syphillus once you get it you cannot get rid of of it
    Aye... America the land of the What the Fu*K!

    Aye its okay to torture even children...Raping men women and children, but maybe you don't know any better... that might be the American way.... the rest of the world thinks differently!

    Perhaps its the lack of education..... perhaps its just bad genes ie inbreding..... even bad parenting..... all everything combined..... but your leaders have no moral authority and no moral worth! You as a nation have no worth because of this!

    May you and yours too be treated in the same manner, perhaps you might enjoy the tat a tet.... because you too are not worth a dime! That your worth, that must be the money your talking about!

  6. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Oh drop your sanctimonious BS. No one cares.

    Democracy does not necessarily equal freedom anyway. Democracies can be just as tyrannical, maybe worse, than the worst dictator.

    I prefer a pro-American dictator over an anti-American democracy any day.

    Al Qaeda and their supporters are the enemies of America, and as such deserve no mercy.

    I could care less what "the rest of the world" thinks. We rule this (*)(*)(*)(*)ing planet. So kiss my ass.
  7. cooky

    cooky New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    The drone strikes are pretty ugly. What I find truly repugnant is the notion that they can be used to kill US citizens abroad without any manner of judicial review or authorization. That being said, war is an inheritently nasty business. One can make a strong argument that the use of drones over warziristan is not only tactically sound but essential as it denies the taliban and Islamic militants sanctuary and interrupts, harasses and interdicts their operations. While the use of drones may be tacticly sound in some areas of operations I also think a strong argument can be made that strategically they are counter productive to our interests as they may very well be making more militants than they are eliminating.

    As for the Syrina conflict I think its a total farse to suggest that the US is at fault for the failure of the Annan peace plan. What is transpiring on the ground their seems to be a clear indication that Assad has no interest in handing over power in Syria. The idea that Assad was democratically elected is a bit dubious considering that he was elected unopposed in two referendums where he won >97 percent of the vote. I'm very skeptical that Assad is currently more popular than Obama given the Syrian army has deployed heavy weapons on just about every major metropolitan area in the country.

    Some other posters in this thread have accused Obam of killing millions of innocent people... I certainly would be interested in seeing the math behind that.
  8. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    All states and countries that were involved in wars are "mass murderers". in what celestial state do you live in that you can lecture others?
  9. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    You twit... no you sanctimonious Twit! tell me the name of any democracy that is worse than a dictatorship!
    You have the guise of a democracy, but what democracy maims and murders even children. What democracy committed genocide?
    So you have to agree you have no bloody democracy in the good ol US of A.

    Mmmm...and this pro American dictatorship is owned by AIPAC and AIPAC sponsor's ALL your corrupt degenerate politicians..... so what does that make you.....stupid?

    Oooh and would they have the interests of America or the Talmud Nazi Zionist state uppermost in there minds?

    You are GOY!

    You are ruled.... and by whom? Aye right enough..... your kissing arse's but you haven't got a bloody clue!

    And some say your blind!

    I just blame the American education system!

    You keep asking for the money..... would this be all the money your AIPAC sponsored senators give the Zionist degenerates from the American tax payers? Or the money you give to build roads walls and hospitals in Israel? Or the bombs given to the Zionists to murder and committed genocide and no cost to them?
    Or for Israel to sell them off and committed genocide in other nations at the cost to the American tax payer?
    Pity they cannot do the same for Americans, even Chavez gives winter fuel to the poor of America.
    At least I'm no bloody idiot to fall for that lot!

    Honour morality truth duty and ideals are what made America great, seems a right pity your generation got your nation into the proverbial gutter!

  10. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    People need to understand we're dealing with a bunch of Pavlovian, automaton, imbeciles who have acquired a serious case of learned helplessness. Coupled with a splashing of Stockholm syndrome. You cannot expect them to see the enemy for what it is. They have succumbed to the tyranny and they have been swallowed totally. They will rather attack me and you, than go after the man behind the curtain.

    Give them all the proof in the world, and you'll see that they will still refuse to believe.

    They think Al-Qaeda is their enemy. Laughable indeed...people need to actually learn something about this world. It's called a holographic threat. It is totally controlled opposition. When will people realize this fact. How can Al-Qaeda kill 3000 Americans. Yet the C.I.A is working hand in glove with them to topple Syria? how can NATO be working with Al-Qaeda forces in Libya and Syria, if they are your enemies? Ridiculous. Why is Al-Qaeda working with the FSA, and they are accepted there, but killed in Afghanistan and Yemen? Why are captured Taliban militants regularly released into the wild? How can the USA talk about "democracy" and "Human rights" when it supports the Saudi and Bahrain regimes?

    German intelligence is holding documents which expose the fact that the terror in Syria is total Al-Qaeda operations. Backed by Qatari, Saudi and the US regimes. It's terror groups splitting the country in two. Yet we're supposed to believe that the big bad Jihadists are hiding under every table and that they want to kill you. Never mind the fact that the US government dined with Alwaki in the Pentagon after 9/11. Never mind the fact the FBI was instructed to release Alwaki after catching him in 2002. Never mind the fact that the US government sanctioned the evacuation of thousands of Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan. Never mind the 9/11, 7/7, 22/7 drills, Never mind the 2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon on the 10th of September. Never mind the FBI bombing of the WTC 1993. I could go on and on...

    You want more recent examples of corruption, and bias?

    How about the BBC faking the Green square libyan celebrations by showing a video BLATANTLY from India? How about CNN creating fake reports in Syria. How about Al Jazeera reporting the Syrian army have killed people, who later turn out to still be ALIVE?

    It's a fraud, and the sooner we recognize the fact that we are constantly being lied to, and that the world is being run by a bunch of belly-rubbing, head-tapping lunatics. Total manifestation of the mad house.

    And, honestly. The more I look at it. Names like "Zionists" just don't do this tyranny justice. Lets face the facts, these tyrannical lunatics that seek control have existed long before Israel, long before "Zionism" was ever founded, long before any of this. It's a simple case of Good vs Evil. The bigger picture is what we need to be looking at. It looks much bigger than just Israel. People need to research the Council on Foreign relations, Trilateral commission, Bilderberg Group, Council of Rome and Bohemian Grove. Read their own publications, and it all makes sense.

    The agenda is MUCH bigger than Obama and Romney. I can tell you that much...

  11. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    It's not the American people that are like this.

    Support for the destabilization of the M.E., torture, all brown people are automatically guilty without proof, extrajudicial assassinations etc. don't exist much in the American population.. Outside the affiliated corporations and politicians, these warhawks cheering for death and destruction are the fringe minority. Seriously. Check the polls. You find them at a higher rate on a forum of course as these places naturally attract extremely opinionated people, and these racist warhawks who jump up and down with glee when they see the stray dismembered body parts of the brown people they loathe are indeed the fringe minority! They are the lunatics wearing the tin foil hats, babbling on about conspiracy theories about how if they don't demolish enough brown people then apocolypse will come to their homeland and the whole world. They are the ones who are scared (*)(*)(*)(*)less by the terrorists. They LET the terrorists win by terrorizing them so easily, to the point they orgasm over the sodomization of murder of any and all people who have the same skin color as the big bad terrorists who scared them with an internet video.
  12. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    LMAO look at all the peace he's brought to Syria! Al Qaeda and Assad holding hands and singing under the rainbow down in Damascus and Allepo right?

    I suppose being allies with Al Qaeda is the best way to bring "peace"?
  13. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    So you support Assad's regime against the foreign invaders including AQ then I assume?
  14. clg311

    clg311 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2009
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    Drones are the perfect weapon for a nation of cowards. The same cowards cheered the invasion of Iraq from the safety of their living rooms. Like the invasion of Iraq, the drone attacks increase hatred of the US and creates more terrorists. But it fattens the profits of defense contractors.
  15. r3000

    r3000 Banned

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Metal detectors and Security Dogs are all we need. The TSA and the Cancer Scanners are not needed.
  16. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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  17. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    The drop out in Nevada, playing with the shiny buttons, launching drone missiles at children is a hero, because he's defending his country from the angry militia, in the comfort of his CIA/JSOC office. The drone warfare creates more terrorist, but that's irrelevant because it also pumps profit into the coffers of the private military corporations and defense contractors that now run america. But we're the bad guys for pointing out the naked hypocrisy of the west. We say we are against terrorism, what then do you call a US drone that blows up and mutilates an entire family, including their 6 month old baby, if not terrorism?

    We are against terrorists and all who affiliate with them, but we support Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria as they overthrow a foreign nation. We provide intelligence, arms and training to these people. The same al-Qaeda that took 4 planes and flew them into US targets, including the most highly guarded building on Earth, thereby making it the most highly guarded building on the planet, thereby making it the most highly guarded building in our known galaxy, thereby making it the most highly guarded building in the known UNIVERSE, and yet the PENTAGON was hit by a hijacker with box-cutters???

    Now the drone war continues, the highest form of cowardice is now the highest form of service to ones country. Al-Qaeda that killed 3000 americans, now a US ally, a government well know to stage false flag terror, campaigning in a war "against" it...?

    We TRULY are observing Alice in Wonderland through the looking glass...reality is strange, indeed.
  18. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Perhaps you should start with Bush.... for the detriment to the US soldiers and airmen and women who are suffering from Gulf war syndrome.... ie uranium poisoning!

  19. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Yeah Bush is a dick.. What I'm saying is that the people don't necessarily agree with the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) of their leader..
  20. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    You can't conflate murder with war. Even Tim McVeigh considered himself "at war" when he murdered the innocents. People like to go murder people and the "war is hell" excuse doesn't cut it.

    This argument requires proving it is the case. Obama or the army offer no details about any militants they claim they kill or operations they claim they thwarted. No oversite or proving their targets guilty prior to the strike, and none after the fact either.

    The plan failed for a variety of reasons. Yes the Syrians did not withdraw from urban areas and stop using heavy weapons as they should have, yet this is also because the rebels did not stop fighting.. The peace requires both sides to stop, if one doesn't the other can't lest they be screwed.

    The only idea that's dubious here is that it's because Assad won't hand over power. Assad has no requirement to do so. This was not part of the peace plan. This is why the US sabatoged the peace plan by continuing to arm, fund and encourage their proxy rebels to fight on instead of abide by the plan. This is why Assad couldn't just lay down and surrender for his end of the plan. The US wouldn't accept anything short of Assad handing over power. They accepted nothing in the Security Council unless it involved Assad stepping down. Such stubborn refusal, as well as pouring fuel on the fire by firing up one side of belligerents in the conflict, I think played a significant role in the breakdown of the peace plan, and how you can incite one side of a conflict to violence and then claim no responsibility in the continuation of violence is beyond me.

    It's obviously hyperbolic language.. If however the dream of war with Iran is realized, then we shouldn't be surprised when we get into the millions for the innocent kill count.
  21. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Very shallow observance,

    Drones assist the infantry that ARE there, its saves lives to the nation that employs them, if other hate the US for it success so be it...., show me a country that went to war and didn't look for advantage on its enemy, there is no such thing, even when both armies are armed with spears and bows they wi;l seek an "unfair" advantage to win.
  22. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    The biggest problem to the peace plan is America..... if they stopped paying for the Al Queda mercenaries, ie the ones that were supposed to of dropped the twin towers, and tower seven... poof and the all fall down story! There would be no war... sorry 5th Column of American terrorists in Syria!
    Do you not find that story of the twin towers ridicules when the same people are supposed to be helping America? Oooh thats right, Osama's family left the USA when allthe flights were grounded for every American!

    Lies Lies and Dammed American political AIPAC sponsored senator lying bastards!

    r3000 and (deleted member) like this.
  23. r3000

    r3000 Banned

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Drones are flying over US soil, combating US citizens.
  24. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    There will always be those that have eyes but do not see.

    I can tell you now, even if the skies are littered with drones, people are being disapeared and martial law is enacted in the United States of stupidity. There will STILL be people that will say a heinous agenda doesn't exist.

    If you have eyes, open them. Look at the world financial collapse we're going through. Look at how it's all going in a cycle. Remember the 1929 global crash? what followed that was recession, depression, currency crashes, economic wars, and then a world war which changed the established order of the world forever. Same with WW1.

    Look at us today, 2008 we had the total crash. Now we're in the recession, we're already going through currency wars, we all know what's next...A war with Iran, the first great war of the 21st century. It's the same Modus Operandi. Wake up and see it for what it is.

    1984 is here already, big brother isn't coming, he's here and he's hunched over us like a demented ghoul. Al-Qaeda is now the ally, the world populace is now the enemy, We've always been at war with Eastasia.
    r3000 and (deleted member) like this.
  25. r3000

    r3000 Banned

    Jul 27, 2012
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    You're preaching to the choir brother.

    Dio sia con te

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