My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by DennisTate, Jun 5, 2018.


Is the world economy being deliberately dampened, perhaps to save the environment?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Maybe?????

    1 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    Central - Nova, N. S., Canada.
    May 22, 2019

    Committee On Monetary and Economic Reform

    I deeply appreciate your prompt and brilliant response to my message. I have already read and re-read
    it several times and I began to read the links that you gave me but I wanted to let you know who I am,
    where I live and why I feel that I must work fast.

    Because I live in Central - Nova I am in a unique position to at least attempt to the best of my ability to lure
    Mr. Peter MacKay back into Canadian politics. I posted the following message to my Facebook wall two days ago:

    My message has already been shared 252 times and I have several questions that you can answer much
    more effectively than I possibly could.

    Can you come up with numbers for the creation of money into the Canadian economy for the entire
    time period of 1940 - 1974 MINUS THE CLAWBACK effect of COMPOUND INTEREST over time?

    I so thank you for your assistance with this challenging set of crucial questions that all Canadians are
    facing at this time.

    Dennis Tate
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I deeply appreciate your reminding me of his name. I think I may have heard about him back in
    Economics 101, (1979, '80) or Economics 250, (Economics History, (1980), or possibly in Econ 220, (1982, '83), but I had forgotten about him until you reminded me.

    drluggit....... you gave me the reason as to why in 1974 officials from the Bank of International Settlements were probably able to
    convince then Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau to cease the usage of the Bank of Canada in the brilliant manner that it had been used in from 1938 to 1974!

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    The Bank of Canada Must Finance our Country, Debt-Free

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    It seems rather obvious to me that my next step is to initiate
    another attempt to become national leader of a political party but this time.......
    I actually might just be able to pull it off because the circumstances are so
    different with the People's Party of Canada.


  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    From my Facebook wall November 4, 2019:
    There is more to all this though........ I personally consider Mr. Maxime Bernier to be Canada's potential President Trump and I am hoping that he is chosen to be national leader of the PPC in our next leadership race but I do think that he kind of walked into the fiasco that just occurred and my theory is that he has too much hatred for Mr. Andrew Scheer ????

    ©by Dennis Patrick Tate 2019
    Messiah Yeshua - Jesus warned us that we have to forgive even our enemies........ and I think that there is potential for something of a TV series with Ms. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson perhaps playing a role somewhat like Ms. Paula White played in the USA...... and just as Evangelist Paula White got Mr. Donald Trump to accept Messiah Yeshua - Jesus as his personal Savior..... so also....... the repentance and restoration of Mr. Maxime Bernier could be orchestrated somewhat in line with the psychological counselling given to the Commissioner Dreyfus in the Pink Panther series........ who had too much hatred for Inspector Clusseau????? Personally I would like to see this done as something of a comedy because for thousands of years political and religious activists got our ideas across through comedy.

    Hey... this is pretty good....... I had better put the copyright symbol on this because I actually know somebody who might even be able to use this?

    For example when Mr. Bernier chose the number of one hundred and fifty thousand as opposed to the number of two hundred and fifty thousand for annual immigration he was obviously gunning to divide the CPC and bring in a segment of CPC members over to the PPC and pull off a full fledged political coup.

    Frankly... .that was an intelligent gambit and could have worked but.... if he had left the original number of two hundred and fifty thousand alone it would have allowed PPC candidates all across Canada to more effectively go after the Liberal and NDP voter base. When Mr. Bernier went with the number of one hundred and fifty thousand he made that option much more challenging.

    Another error was that the PPC position on climate change was too dogmatic and I greatly prefer the angle that PPC candidate Billy Joyce took on this that we should talk about large scale desalination of ocean water in Israel, Jordan, Qatar, Australia, California, Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and in all nations with lots of desert because it is obvious that a CARBON TAX DOES NOTHING to protect the real estate along the Bay of Fundy from the quite real possibility of rising ocean levels over the coming decades.

    If you actually want to defeat the Carbon Tax obsession...... you DO NOT say that Climate Change is a total non issue...... because I do not believe that to be the truth, you have to divert the dialogue off in a much more productive direction.

    Billy Joyce "The official position of the PPC is that ''Climate Change measures'' are a provincial jurisdiction...Desalinization is a common sense response to this supposed Climate Change, but it should be countries like Saudi Arabia and other countries that have vast desserts doing it. The cost of shipping the water over there would be immense for Canadians. I mentioned it in my speech as an example of concrete actions society could take to ''kill two birds with one stone''...rising sea levels and increasing temperatures...desserts absorb and hold heat....we don,t have many desserts in Canada. I had an idea of shipping the desalinated water to First Nations Communities for drinking water, but the cost of shipping it would be immense. I brought this up during a meeting of NS PPC candidates and we discussed it at length." (Billy Joyce)

    After the fifteen minute mark in this video:

    My very first speech as a Political Candidate!! I need some polishing! LOL

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  5. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Wow. That's a lot of reading...

    I was also an English teacher, and I was born in St. John's. What a world, eh?
    DennisTate likes this.
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I really appreciate your wading through all of this.......
    if you are up for it......
    I feel that I was passed something of great value back in 2007........

    My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.


    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now this is interesting..... and has major league artistic, diplomatic, educational and yes..... economic value if used properly.

  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    DrLuggit.... I so thank you for reminding me of the word Malthusian because at the time that you wrote this I did not remember his name, (although I probably had heard about him in a lecture in one of the Economics courses that I took at St. Francis Xavier).. .but anyway..... .I Googled the name Malthusian and finding out about him and his followers has given me an angle on Canadian and American politics that I am thinking has serious potential!


    Dennis Tate for number two position in the People's Party of Canada!

    I want all of you PPC members to vote for Mr. Maxime Bernier as your NUMBER ONE choice in our inevitable leadership race ..... (because he did all of us a massive favour by introducing genuine freedom of speech to Canadian politics but).... . there was one topic that even he was scared of as I noticed at the meeting in Halifax, N. S., on January 18, 2019 and I am certainly willing to get into that one, inform Canadians about it which might just make the PPC candidates electable because it seems obvious that fighting for the Conservative vote will not work. Giving Albertans a good reason to stay within Canada is perhaps the number one issue facing Canadian M.P's at this time and I explain how to do that here:

    Now... I want all Canadians who want to make a sincere effort to make it possible for Alberta to stay within Canada, all across Canada to join the PPC but on the next election day feel total freedom to strategically vote CPC if it seems obvious to you that that is what you need to do in your particular riding to defeat the Liberals who sure seem to be cooperating far too closely with George Soros and the guys who believe in Malthusian Catastrophe Theory. (In a sentence Thomas Malthus came up with an explanation as to why Jesus was incorrect to teach that we should assist and feed the poor because he felt that they would only overpopulate themselves and create a situation of famine, pestilence and warfare anyway.) The people who follow his ideas knew that they had to control the media to make sure that the average person does not really understand how the mega mega wealthy are really protecting all of us in the ignorant masses!

    Voting strategically is what we Canadians mostly all did on October 20, 2019 anyway.... so we may as well admit it and here is the method that I am advocating to divide the LIBERAL VOTE....... (rather than the Conservative Vote as Mr. Maxime Bernier attempted to do because he was really, really, really disappointed with Mr. Andrew Scheer)! As a matter of fact as the new PPC goes after the Liberal Vote we might just be able to grab the alternative media all across Canada by organizing pre-election campaign debates with the CPC candidate in each riding?

    Here is how I am advocating getting a majority of thirty seven point six million Canadians to do their homework in studying some really boring information on the economic history of Canada as given in the link above:


    I am advocating the usage of the Bank of Canada that is owned by all Canadians to finance giving five hundred dollars per month to all thirty seven million Canadians.

    Would the incidence of Canadian women choosing to have an abortion plummet by a huge percentage? Personally I do think so!

    It will of course mean much more to poorer Canadians than to millionaires........
    but it could be surprising how many stay at home wives with cheap and stingy millionaire husbands who control the purse strings of the home may find this extra five hundred very helpful indeed.

    I suspect that well over eighty percent of of Canadians will spend this money reasonably well and:
    1. enrol their kids in more after school programs.....
    2. begin to purchase a higher percentage of organic produce vs the cheap GMO stuff
    3. purchase a newer car, SUV or half ton truck
    4. do renovations to their homes
    5. hire landscapers to do certain projects on their properties
    6. pay down their debt loads, especially the higher interest ones
    7. buy a new home rather than renting
    8. buy a cottage outside the city so that they can get away for weekends
    9. many will choose to move to rural Canada in order to escape relatively hectic city life
    10. eat at nice restaurants more often

    I suspect that less than ten percent of Canadians will attempt to live off this five hundred dollars / month and simply use it to drink or smoke more.

    To whatever degree this happens the worst cases where these Canadians put themselves and others in danger this can be dealt with by issuing food stamps vs a monthly check.

    I have listened to an audio video over and over again that explains what President Obama did from 2009 - 2014 and I came up with this idea because it is close to being the OPPOSITE to what President Obama did. He gave billions to the top one percent of the top one percent of the INVESTOR CLASS of Americans........ .and if he was expecting a trickle down effect to create jobs..... that certainly DID NOT happen!

    Technically I am also advocating a variation of Quantitative Easing but......
    my plan of sending it to ALL CANADIAN CITIZENS vs sending it pretty much all to INVESTORS.... makes my plan uniquely different from what President Obama did.

    What I am advocating will pay eighteen billion dollars per months toward the deficit and soon agains the national debt of Canada as long as we create this Basic Minimum Income in the manner that was used by the Bank of Canada from 1938 to 1974 as explained by Ms. Betty Krawczyk in the article that you will see at the link given above. What I am proposing should keep the seven hundred and ten trillion dollar worldwide Derivatives markets safe and stable because relatively wealthy Canadians will invest their five hundred dollars per month in stocks or something that will defer the paying of income tax until they take it as income. Also... I predict a boom in the real estate market in RURAL CANADA as the brilliant Pastor David Wilkerson was shown in a dream given to him in 1973 one year before P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau's error that increased the cost of debt by twenty six thousand percent from 1974 to 1996.

    "There will be a sudden rush to buy farms, ranches, and homes in the country.
    Thousands will attempt to flee from cities, hoping that a return to the land and
    nature will provide security. There will be a growing urge to "get away from it
    all"---and much money will be invested in land and acreage in rural areas by
    people who have secret dreams of raising their own food and cattle and of
    becoming self-supporting. The price of open rural land will continue to soar.
    Acreage within 100 miles of most major cities will skyrocket out of reach to
    all but syndicates." (David Wilkerson, The Vision, page 18,19).

    My fellow Canadians..... for five hundred dollars per month would you be willing to do your homework on some really boring information?

    Keeping Alberta within Canada depends on your becoming informed on this because the reason why Mr. Maxime Bernier would not tackle this subject is that he did not believe that he could educate Canadians on this topic!

    “Clearly the current problem of the Canadian government's deficit is not its absolute size, or its size relative to the GDP, but the insane way it is being financed. A return to the policies of the World War II era, when the Bank of Canada produced almost one-half of the new money at near-zero interest, would do wonders for the economy, while greatly shrinking the deficit... The first order of business for a post-Mulroney-era government must be to regain effective control of the Bank of Canada and make it the primary source of money creation.

    “It is ludicrous for the government to put billions of dollars into circulation by borrowing from the private banks, when it can create the extra money it needs, virtually free.” (by Harold Chorney, John Hotson, and Mario Seccareccia,
    The Bank of Canada Must Finance our Country, Debt-Free, 1996)

    I suspect that this plan will be emulated in the USA shortly after its success in Canada becomes obvious to the majority of us North Americans. This will be the key to making this plan common knowledge among Canadians, put this campaign into the USA market!

    Should President Trump coopt aspects of the Andrew Yang platform?
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just got sent the link to an impressive video series that I want to get into later on:

    Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1 - Mike Maloney
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I knew that I would eventually find somebody capable of correcting the errors in three of my four campaign writings....... and I am pretty sure that I have found him:

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    COVID 19 and an unconditional income supplement for all Canadians?

    (Following is the message that I now have evidence is somewhat flawed along with three of my four previous campaign writings that are on the first page of this discussion ) :

  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    .. .some variation on a RESET.... almost certainly must take place.... and as flawed as I am...... you may decide that I am somewhat more trustable than Mr. Bill Gates due to my attempt to disagree with the theories of Thomas Malthus.......

    (I posted the following to my Facebook wall on May 5, 2020):

    ..."cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen)cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state." (Dr. Otto Warburg, written in 1924 to 1931)

    Assuming that there is at least some validity to this theory put forward by Dr. Otto Warburg over eighty nine years ago........ how could it be that so little was accomplished with this idea in nearly nine decades?

    My answer as of May 5, 2020 is Fear of "Malthusian Catastrophe" on the part of an exceptionally influential segment of the world's population!

    Yes I do plan to elaborate further on that idea and give you links in the comments and replies but I would highly recommend this nearly three hour lecture by two time near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava that I found so interesting that I already listened to it twice!

    "The final war - What has been is what will be - The fall of the new world order"

  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    2016 Currency Wars and the Erosion of Dollar Hegemony Lan Cao Fowler School of Law, Chapman University

    Here's how George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand


    How Did George Soros Break the Bank of England?
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dear officials at Factual Canada and "Canada for Trump" :

    Dear officials at Campaign Life Canada:

    After teaching English in Quito, Ecuador for over a year and seeing real poverty with my own eyes I returned to Nova Scotia with my Ecuadorian wife and I felt that I must educate Canadians to the fact that flaws in our central banking system is causing our federal government to appear almost bankrupt on paper, but the reality of our situation is deceiving.

    I've been studying near death experience accounts rather obsessively since 1990. A few weeks ago I read a rather shocking statement in one of the online courses by near death experiencer Dr. Kevin Zadai :

    Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 :
    I actually have a theory in mind on how to pay off the national debt of Canada that is shockingly simple.... and if there are obvious flaws in my rather simple plan I will greatly appreciate it if some of you will tell me what is wrong with this proposal?

    In a sentence I believe that The Bank of Canada should be used again much as it was used from 1938 to 1974 to create EIGHTEEN BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH to pay a five hundred dollar per month, for life, UNCONDITIONAL but taxable INCOME SUPPLEMENT TO ALL CANADIAN CITIZENS AND LEGAL RESIDENTS.

    Because this Basic Minimum Income will be going to all Canadians that loan should be forgiven when it is actually paid out to Canadians. This Basic Minimum Income Supplement should then be forgiven due to it benefiting all Canadians and IT IS TAXABLE SO... as it turns over in the Canadian economy three or four times it will be taxed back into the treasury........ and so almost immediately EIGHTEEN BILLION DOLLARS per month will begin to be paid first toward the deficit and soon toward our national debt!

    Within a few years the Canadian economy will be OPERATING IN THE BLACK AS OPPOSED TO our being always in the RED!

    Once this improvement in Canadian central banking policy is set in motion it will be obvious that the same basic principle can be applied in the USA but of course the numbers involved will be ten times higher due to the USA having nearly four hundred million citizens and legal residents whereas Canada only has about thirty eight million citizens and legal residents.

    Please visualize either a series of documentary films and / or reality films in which we come up with a way to educate Canadians and Americans to this very real option that they do have. I admit that there are problems with this plan, one of which will be an Exodus from the cities to rural Canada and rural America but...... it is obvious that an unconditional but taxable Basic Minimum Income Supplement will DECREASE THE ECONOMIC PRESSURE ON WOMEN TO CHOOSE TO ABORT THEIR CHILD, THUS, in a sense will improve and increase a woman's range of choice regarding her option of giving birth to her child and also being able to afford to raise her child.

    "Would a Basic Minimum Income dramatically reduce abortions?"

    I am going to post this message to a public discussion forum to attempt to get the dialogue started so that we can educate Canadians to the advantages and disadvantages of this very real option that is there in front of them.

    Thank you.

    Dennis Tate

    Central - Nova, N. S., Canada, B0J3C0

    "My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART."
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Whether or not this is a problem or a potentially good trend it seems obvious to me that one of the shifts that an unconditional income supplement would create would be an Exodus from urban areas to rural Canada and America.

    It seems interesting to me that the gifted Pastor David Wilkerson was shown that happening in a visionary dream that he had in 1973.

    1973 Prophecy - The Vision by David Wilkerson
    •May 5, 2011

    The Worgl Austria Great Depression Experiment and a real estate boom in rural America?
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    What I am proposing is an alternative to what is explained in this video.

    The speaker is David Icke.

    This article gives you the key to understand the difference between what some governments seem to be planning with what I am proposing.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just found a video that does an amazing job of adding details to all of this and putting the whole thing together as well.


    I notice that he has another video that I will definitely want to see soon....

    The Fruits of Graft (Part 1) - Wayne Jett - (BWL POD #0055)
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wow... I am amazed that somebody is explaining this whole thing with such clarity.....
    especially at this critical time in history where there are rumours of some sort of "Nesara Gesara."

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I attended an amazing meeting yesterday evening and I feel that I have met the group of exceptionally creative followers of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus who
    can set in motion the series of events that will lead to the paying off of the national debts of Canada, Israel, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands......
    just as an opening gambit........
    end game is going to bring the kingdom of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus down to this earth!!!!!!!

    I will refer back to the history of Bank of Canada policy from 1938 to 1974 as evidence that the national debt of Canada is significantly a practical joke being played on
    thirty seven point six million Canadians who know amazingly little about real economics.

    I need to refer back to a prophecy that I received back in 2010 in Spanish......
    that I believe I can share with Levites Canada..... and transfer the bulk of the burden of this prophecy over to you as a group of people.

    Exodus USA

    Please notice that the word houses is plural......
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Here is the service that I made it to yesterday evening that so impressed me......
    since I began to correspond with my wife in August of 2000 she has proved to me over and over and over again that
    the Holy Spirit will still guide people directly and specifically.

    Sunday Service | Levites Conference | 22 July 31, 2022

    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad that our daughter was led to get us to this phenomenal meeting!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!

    I hope that you don't mind that I gave a link to this meeting on a public discussion forum. Fourteen million people in Ontario are very worried about an impending economic collapse and I believe that you are the group who will use ART to prevent another 1929 from happening.
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wow.... I was at a church in Brampton on July 31, 2022 so this means that I can get together soon with John (King of the Paupers) Turmel who is in the Guinness Book of World Records for......

    John also appeared on Dragon's Den.....

    If John Turmel were to get together with Canada's Worst Politician..... .you never know what might perhaps happen?????

    Brampton, Ontario and Mississauga are perfect locations from which to initiate a plan for Peace In The Middle East based on making money abundant and turning deserts green.... .much as is predicted in an ancient Islamic prediction that is roughly a thousand or so years old.

    After the Abraham Peace Accord turn deserts green...

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Again you do make excellent points..... yes President Donald J. Trump is indeed flawed..... and yes...... flaws do tend to show up more and more over time........

    ....there is indeed logic in your reasoning.....but look again at the prediction by the gifted Kim Clement.......

    what did he say that President Trump would be IN HIS SECOND TERM...... A PRAYING PRESIDENT.........

    THIS IS PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP'S SECOND TERM........ it began on the day that Biden and his handlers STOLE the election from him.... so in a way President Trump's second term began on
    January 21, 2021!!!!!

    What has President Donald J. Trump been doing a lot of lately?????

    My guess is PRAYING...... because he knows what the people who pass a script to Bill Gates..... (and Gates reads that script......
    partly due to the fact that the people who pass him a script have footage from Epstein Island)...... want to do to him... and his children....and his grandchildren..... and to at least ten million Americans who they consider to be their worst of the worst of the worst of their enemies, (that would people who tend to actually attend a church or synagogue and actually care about the unborn)!!!!!

    "A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards." (Proverbs 28:11)

    Is YHWH / HaShem / The G-d of Abraham / The Ancient of Days the Heavenly Father who Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus revealed to his students as being the One who was actually doing the miracles.... who was greater than He was......... a fool? Does HaShem utter all of His mind?????? NO.... but there is a time ad a place for new ideas to be uttered......... because the time has come so...... I have a title to throw at you and at all the women of America....... who should be thinking about the gifted Kim Clement prediction of a modern Queen Hadassah Esther!!!!!!

    That is a very interesting prediction because Kim Clement stated that in the past SHE HAD BEEN HATED..... one of the possible reasons for that could be that in the past she might have been too conservative..... or even too left wing...... Ms. Faith Goldy up here in Canada for example was very left wing back in her university days....... but then an Orthodox Jewish friend of hers led her over to the side of the conservatives through his logic..... but then for a while she went too conservative........ and lacked faith and understanding that everybody here in Mississauga....... was led here by HaShem the G-d of Abraham and......
    although it is true that Trudeau and his handlers meant certain policies for harm....... HaShem / the G-d of Abraham and His Messiah Yeshua - Jesus are turning the situation here around to great good...... and peace in the Middle East to a significant degree will emerge out of the Greater Toronto Area and.......

    the thought has crossed my mind.... .could Ms. Faith Goldy play the role of that modern Queen Hadassah Esther here in Canada..... .or could it be Dr. Leslyn Lewis..... or is it somebody else........ or do all women in Canada and America have at least some of the Queen Hadassah Esther calling on their lives??????????

    "In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them." (Zechariah 12:6)

    So I have a title that is rather new to throw at all the women of Canada and America and Israel....... MOSHIACH DAUGHTER OF JOSEPH / YOSEF!!!!!!!!

    A WOMAN ANOINTED FOR WARFARE...... and the people of G-d tend to be destroyed for lack of knowledge....... so one part of her calling must be to fill in the gaps in the understanding that women and men in Canada and the United States and in Israel tend to miss!!!!!

    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." (Hosea 4"6)

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    "I think therefore I am / YHWH!" was probably first uttered / thought by the most ancient Intelligence who learned and planned and engineered and designed and created from essentially infinite time in the past...... because in a sense TIME itself is an invention designed to take "others", (who had not yet been invented), from point A to point B then point C then point D and on and on and on for infinite time in the future...........

    I believe that our Creator / Inventor in a sense evolves.... or learns.... or gets better and better and better and better at creation..... Former Atheist and near death experiencer Mellen Benedict explained The Cyclic Model of the Universe / Multiverse brilliantly............ ( how in the world could he have just made up something this off the scale intelligent)??????

    I believe rather firmly that our Creator EVOLVED in Energy from Quantum Vacuum, (or perhaps in an even more fundamental form of energy that is the union of electromagnetism, gravity, weak and strong nuclear force, as explained by Dr. Stephen Hawking and others........

    Our Creator seems to have gotten into the production of REALITY FILMS.... eight billion of them actually on this one planet alone........ (and also much cattle as was told to Jonah as he was complaining that Nineveh had not been destroyed as he had hoped)??????

    A. C. .. I have a friendly challenge for you Sir.... one that I feel you can certainly do brilliantly..... I did this myself back in 1990 and when I tell you about all that happened since then... .you will be somewhat amazed....... I am certain that of the eight billion infinitely precious human lives on this earth.... six billion of them are in extreme danger of being sterilized and depopulated over the coming this possibility has what could be termed Artistic Value... that can be transformed into Educational Value, Diplomatic Value and yes..... Economic Value........

    From around 1966 or '67 until 1972 or '73 I had been an Atheist..... one who promoted Atheism..... then Evangelist Garner Ted Armstrong got me out of Atheism into a branch of the Messianic Gentile / Messianic Jewish movement....... by 1990 I became very disappointed with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus when I read about those negative near death experience accounts.... the positive ones were no problem.... but the negative ones really put me into a theological, philosophical and spiritual crisis.......

    Could the Christian gospel be much worse news?

    My belief at this time, August 17, 2022, is that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus is raising up Himself a Warrior Bride who will invade every hell realm with Him....... and expand and expand.... increase and increase the Kingdom of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus into more and more and more and more of the fallen realms...... the hellish realms........ I do believe that the hellish realms are real... but the Kingdom of God will increase and increase and increase and increase... until each hellish realm has been turned into a paradise / heaven realm....... but CHOICES are involved......

    ... "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." (Isaiah 9 verse 7 )
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2022

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