'Well, where are all the English people?'

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by DonGlock26, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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  2. Beevee

    Beevee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Is that with or without EC persons who probably aren't called immigrants these days, due to the freedom of labour regulations?
  3. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    No it's not...Your hero Enoch Powell was wrong. Those who advocate oppressive and exclusionary practices today offer a number of claims to ward off accusations of racism. One such is that they believe in the existence and importance of racial differences but do not hold that any race is innately superior to others.

    BNP, 2002, “Frequently Asked Questions”, BNP website.

    Another is that they do not accept that races exist, and therefore consider the idea of racial supremacy to be incoherent, but they do believe in cultures (or civilisations) which are emphatically unequal. This claim is especially prominent in liberal attacks on “multiculturalism”.

    For example, Martin Amis defends his intemperate and usually indiscriminate verbal attacks on Muslims against charges of racism in the following terms: “I adore multiracialism. There can’t be enough immigrants in this country for my taste. I’d like to see immigrants from Mars or Jupiter. But multiculturalism, I believe, is a fraud. We cannot justify these things because they’re traditional. The tradition has to go”.

    Wente, Margaret, 2009, “Feminism’s unlikely ally, and radical Islam’s foe”, Globe and Mail
    (13 November 2009),

    By “tradition” he means such practices as “honour killing”, which he understands to be uncomplicatedly “Islamic” behaviour. That unspoken hypothesis is incorrect—”honour killing” is a form of patriarchal violence that does not respect such cultural boundaries. According to Human Rights Watch, such violence “goes across cultures and across religions”. It is practised under various names—dowry killings, crimes of passion, etc—in Latin America, India, Italy, Sweden, Brazil and Great Britain.


    Nor is it at all true that “multiculturalism” entails tolerating the murder of women whether by appeal to tradition or cultural sensibility. Nonetheless, Amis’s argument confirms that in attacking such practices he means to impugn a supposedly undifferentiated culture known as Islam.

    Another attack on multiculturalism came in a widely denounced provocation by Rod Liddle, the former editor of Radio 4’s Today programme, in which he ascribed the “overwhelming majority of street crime, knife crime, gun crime, robbery and crimes of sexual violence in London” to “young men from the African-Caribbean community”.


    Liddle was slightly less cautiously expressing the same views that Tony Blair had in 2007 when he blamed a spate of knife and gun crimes on a distinctive black culture, specifically on failing black families. But Liddle’s statistical claims were simply false.

    And in his broader conclusions he reproduced verbatim a commonplace of racist ideology since the first arrival of substantial numbers of Commonwealth migrants to the UK in the 1950s.

    Gilroy, Paul, 1987, There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack, (Routledge).

    However, he justified himself by saying that he was not speaking of race but of culture. “The creed of multiculturalism is largely to blame, the notion that cultures, no matter how antithetical to the norm, or anti-social, should be allowed to develop unhindered, without criticism”.


    To say that this mis-states the “creed of multiculturalism” would be unnecessarily diplomatic: it is a flimsy straw man. Multiculturalism has its origins in a state-led attempt to domesticate politically rebellious black and Asian minorities in 1980s Britain. Its basic thrust was defined before the fact by Roy Jenkins who, as home secretary in 1966, declared the aim of achieving “equal opportunity, accompanied by cultural diversity, in an atmosphere of mutual tolerance”.

    Jones, Catherine, 2001, Immigration and Social Policy in Britain, (Routledge).

    Liddle’s defence indicates several prominent features of contemporary Islamophobia. These include the claim that there are such things as discrete, largely impervious cultures and that there is therefore a cultural “norm” that a problematic minority is violating on behalf of its own alien cultural tenets. A constant theme of the anti-Muslim animus today is that its conspicuous symbols such as the hijab or even the burqa indicate a hostility to “mainstream culture” and a desire to separate from it. That such ideas should then become the basis of an attack on an older scapegoat—young black men in this instance—belies the complacent view that official hostility to Islam has no broader implications for race relations.

    Those who oppose multiculturalism have yet to define what they perceive as the cultural "norm" to be, nevermind explaining what precisely it is that those who fall outside of this "norm" are supposed to assimilate into. It is a totally bogus argument.
  4. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Of course it excludes EU populations. But we are a signatory to the EU whether small-minded johnny foreigner types like it or not - the precursor of which is the free movement of capital and goods. Withdrawing from the EU is a non-starter. As a signatory to EU treaties we are naturally obliged to adopt its policies. We are free to work and live in Europe and conversely Europeans are free to live and work here.
  5. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Judging by many of the comments of small-minded bigots on here, there are many Brits who would like a return to the days of drab mono-culturalism, bad teeth, warm beer, fatty foods, women staying in the home, and the working class knowing their place kind of days...You see, it's a comfort zone for such people. Anything outside of that comfort zone and they feel threatened.
  6. MurkyFogsFutureLogs

    MurkyFogsFutureLogs New Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I'd rather make my own decision about becoming a member of any party, before any "far left" preacher that's trying to accuse me of racism, whom assumes to know me and then judges me based on weak judgement and politically biased far left views makes it up for me.

    I'm not on any wings of an upper class elitist governmental system in which politics is defined only on the scale of two ideologies, I'd like to think myself not apart of such, yet it's people like yourself whom may be the kind of people to only see primary school politics and not beyond such.

    My motives are not racial, they're financial, they're naturalist, they're conservative but I'm not on "the right".
  7. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    I'll try again....What precisely do ill-defined English/British cultural "norms" comprise of, and moreover, how precisely are immigrants supposed to assimilate into them?
  8. MurkyFogsFutureLogs

    MurkyFogsFutureLogs New Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    My main point is that immigration be capped, so that all the current citizens of Britain, mainly the poor are given a chance to find themselves work for a living.

    The more people we pump into the UK the less each individual is able to land a decent job, further it encourages many companies to hire migrant workers as opposed to British workers because they are cheaper and apparently work harder too.

    What's wrong with wanting the government to address it's own poor before taking on tens of thousands of new people? Are the current citizens of our nation so worthless that they're not given a hope in hell to land a decent well paid job without having to struggle to pay the rent and energy bills and getting themselves into enormous debt?

    Would you happily condone such conditions to protect your left wing extremist views?

    All the while all government members and associates live the fine life, even though being culprit to the poor financial state of our country today?
  9. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Hi - I've no idea what conditions are like in Wales , but I live in part of England with below average unemployment.

    Frankly I dont see there's much more our present govt can do to restrict immigrants from other EU countries. Can you tell me why British employers prefer employing Polish workers who are paid the same rates as British workers ? Claiming foreign workers are paid less - is a fallacy.

    IN my town we seem to have a very large number of Poles - all fully employed.

    btw - I totally agree with you regarding politicians , once in office and coucil officers , feathering their own nests, that's not new but in recent years it has greatly increased and is today no better than in America and Continental Europe.

  10. MurkyFogsFutureLogs

    MurkyFogsFutureLogs New Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Well in Wales anywhere, non middle class is a tip generally. Ok it could be worse, but it's going to get worse, and the poor majority will suffer the most, including myself.

    I'm in the second city of Wales, which is one of the poorest cities in the UK.
  11. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Britain generally, and London in particular has enjoyed cultural diversity for centuries, not merely a few decades. Jobs are open to everyone, and I've heard the 'they're taking all our jobs' argument and, I'm sorry, but if Britons aren't capable of getting out of bed to do a day's work there are plenty of of others who are. In my city, Exeter, about 70% of the city's bus drivers are Polish. Where are the British if the jobs, offering very reasonable wages, are open to all applicants?

    Poles, for example, are valued as employees because they work hard, don't whine and don't go off sick at the first sneeze. Furthermore Polish tradesmen (carpenters, electricians, builders etc), are not allowed to work in Poland until they have passed stringent government exams in their given trade. You won't get a Polish cowboy builder unless you're very unlucky.

    You forget, also, that many immigrants are transitory; they come to work for a few years and return to their home country.
  12. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I must have missed the part where someone showed me that the sights described in the OP are a bad thing.
  13. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I'm told many years ago , farmers used to look forward to students coming to help fruit picking , during their holidays, can you imagine todays students rushing to go fruit picking during their holidays ?

    British farmers are now totally dependent on young Eastern Europeans coming here annually and we'll all be in a right pickle if they were stopped from working on our farms.
  14. Beevee

    Beevee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Even without the appropriate vegetables and fruit?
  15. Joker

    Joker Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Yeah, I don't see the problem, either.
  16. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Personal attack doesn`t bother me in the slightest, emotive hyperbole, although at times amusing, doesn`t move me. I`ve seen the effects of multiculturalism, lived in localitys infested by the dregs of humanity. The reality is that no society can absorb infinite multiculturalism without becoming a dysfunctional cesspit. Don`t confuse racism with reality. I stand by my previous statement.

    Origionally posted by aussiefree2ride :
    "The loss of a Nation`s identity and cohesion, by importing millions of dark ages people, is a backward step. All people have the right to object to the imposition of overwhelming cultural and racial influences on their society, and the resultant fragmantation of their home land. To attempt to say otherwise is arogant, and shallow minded at best, this is nothing more than blind racism."
  17. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    If a medium that you`ve labled "right wing" informed you that you were in the path of a tsunami, you`d just sit where you were & get washed away?
  18. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    One obvious fact that you`ve missed is that an over saturation of imigrant multicultural slave fodder is sought after by both rich employers, and unions alike. To spell it out simply, desperation and division of the working class is beneficial to both. The working stiff is the meat in the sandwich. It`s obvious.
  19. Inphormer

    Inphormer Banned

    Jul 22, 2011
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    I love it when Aussie's refer to other people as "the dregs of society."
  20. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Mehhhh, another nothing comment. :fart:
    I noticed that you don`t even declare your nationality. :mrgreen:
    FYO, it was "dregs of humanity", try to keep up.
  21. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Good for you for laying this out clearly and briefly. Thank you.

    Half my family immigrated to St. Louis from Germany in the 1880s. My great, great grandfather was an MD with a practice in a slum. Within a generation, no German was spoken in the home, and completing college by all family members was REQUIRED. We assimilated to America amazingly in a single generation.

    Over the years all of us have watched America deal with issues. But, there has always been an American fiber, a style if you will, that is the American way of life. Now that culture is in jeopardy. Immigrants are allowed into America to assimilate. They are here to "learn" not to "teach." Immigrants are diluting our culture.

    So, what is America to do, roll over and accept multi-culturalism? Have you read about the the 50,000,000 square foot Mosque being built in Murfreesboro, Tennnessee. Those folks are just THRILLED down there to have their local courts are supporting the Muslims! http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/dpp/news/tennessee/judge-backs-murfreesboro-mosque-ruling-apx-20110831

    Time to get back to reality. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Constitution, blah, blah, blah. We Americans are barbaric animals, and we need to cut the crap on all this human rights (*)(*)(*)(*), (except of course for our African American, and Native American citizens whom it is intended for). This is our country. Do it our way, or hit the road. We really do not want foreigners anyway.

    We Americans used to be a pretty tough people before all this multi-culturalism. Somehow that Mosque in Murfreesboro keeps having construction delays due to vandalism. One citizen told CNN that Mosque could burn down on a regular basis.

    I think we American should accept that we are humans. Being human is in part being animalistic. Who gives a (*)(*)(*)(*) what these foreigners think, these American families have been there for generations. They settled the area. Either those Muslims assimilate, stop wearing the foreign clothing, and cut the crap on this fanatical Sharia law, or they will all be burned out. Let's be honest, isn't that what Americans really are? You mess with anyone's neighborhood, and there is going to be a reaction.
  22. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    If it isn't simple racism, then its xenophobia.

    Imagine nearly 25% of londons population are visible minorities.

    I live in Toronto and its a bit different since 47% or 1.2 million citizens are visible minorities. We have a rainbow of colours, culture and flavours that enriches all of us.

    First generation usually CANT assimilate, second generation goes to canadian schools and has the culture clash with their parents. Third generation are canadians, and the country has gained tremendously. Most Canadians don't care what colour a fellow canadian's skin is or whether their eyes slant a different way. That's not important, what is important is what kind of citizen they are.
  23. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    "Xenophobia" is one of those words like "bigotry" and "racism" that is used when a group of foreigners want to come into a neighborhood, and are rejected because they do not adopt to our lifestyle.

    The immigrants we get today are not looking for opportunity to build something and assimilate to the American way of life the way our ancestors did. They are here for the free welfare ride, and to push their crap culture on us. This will cause foreigners serious problems. Perhaps violent ones.

    One would do well to realize that we Anglo Saxons are people who have run the world for centuries because we are not afraid to use violence. If you have been fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to live in advanced western culture, learn how we do or leave. If you try to change us, things will not be very nice for you. Check Google and see how many people Henry VIII had drawn an quartered. Here is an artist rendering to give you an idea of how Anglo Saxons have done in the past. We are much more efficient now. http://images.suite101.com/932352_com_torture_58.jpg Think twice about getting pushy with us, we are not as dumb as we act.. By the way we do not like foreign-looking clothing unless it is African American, Native American, or Hebrew. Got it?
  24. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Well said...I agree absolutely.
  25. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Okay your just racist. I get it.

    Immigrants today come for the same reasons as you forefathers came to america. To build a better life for their family, and that takes some guts.
    Uproot your family and bring them to a very strange new land, where teh cultural cues of the society are totally different. They have to learn new a language, eat different food, etc.

    Many of the parents have trouble adapting, but they persevere because of they want their children to have a better life than they did.

    You seem to think that all immigrants are lazy and leeching. I'm sure there are a few but I bet its a very small minority. Employment opportunities can be pretty slim because people who think like you do, wouldn't hire an immigrant for anything except maybe cutting the grass and cleaning the pool. And how many of those jobs are there?

    I'm an anglo saxon. Like you say, there's a lot about anglo saxon culture and attitudes that could use some changing. The strongest elements of that culture won't change, they merge with other cultures stongest elements and together be much stronger. Given the birthrate of anglo saxons today, if it wasn't for immigrants, it wouldn't take more'n a couple generations before america and europe wouldn't have the labour force or tax base to sustain their economies and their governments.

    I've never met any white guy who expresses the "assimilate or get out" argument that isn't ignorant, stupid, racist, xenophobic or any combination thereof.

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