Was killing Baghdadi a betrayal ?

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by Giftedone, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    For the most part Islam spread by commerce and intermarriage. The Arabs had extensive trade with Egypt, East Africa, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Yemen and the Indus Valley 700 years before Islam.

    Are you speaking of Afghanistan? That was about the Arabs fighting Communism.
  2. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Making an historic claim suggests you can go dig things up and possibly confirm
    their historicity. Such as the claim there was a King David. The Greek story of
    Zeus was never going to be considered historical, even by the Greeks (!)
    I hold that the biblical flood was local in extent. The Sumerian "world" was not
    our world, anymore than the "whole world was taxed" in Jesus' day wasn't our
    world, or Noah's world either. Our word "universe" has changed since I was a
    Certainly, prior to the Babylonian captivity many Jews were not monotheists.
    That was part of the problem for Israel.

    One annoying myth is that the God of the Old Testament isn't the same God
    as the New Testament (as seen in the life and teachings of Jesus)
    But Jesus spoke of the enemy throwing up siege engines against Jerusalem
    and leveling the city, with its women and children too. And the Jews would
    be taken into a crushing exile until the "times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."
    That's our generation, right now.
  3. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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  4. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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  5. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Please explain how that relates to my post?
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Normally when one posts a link - one actually posts something of what the are referring to in that link.

    I will do this for you -
    So what happened in Daraa - have you looked into this ? I have. How is it that Seven Armed police were killed by unarmed protesters ? - and only 4 of the unarmed protesters died ? - and how is it that you did not notice this obvious anomaly ?

    So what really happened at Daraa ?


    The article continues.
    As stated to you numerous times - the radical Islamist extremists took over the protest movement shortly after it began. In this case these radicals infiltrated a peaceful protest and started shooting the security personnel.

    It Started in Daraa on March 17, 2011: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 “Protest Movement”?

    The war on Syria started eight years ago in Daraa on the 17th of March 2011.

    The following article first published in May 2011 examines the inception of the jihadist terrorist insurgency.

    It recounts the events of March 17-18, 2011 in Daraa, a small border town with Jordan.

    Media reports have finally acknowledged that the so-called “protest movement” in Syria was instigated by Washington. This was known and documented from the very inception of the Syrian crisis in March 2011.

    It was not a protest movement, it was an armed insurgency integrated by US-Israeli and allied supported “jihadist” death squads?

    From Day One, the Islamist “freedom fighters” were supported, trained and equipped by NATO and Turkey’s High Command. According to Israeli intelligence sources (Debka, August14, 2011):

    NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria, which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and helicopters spearheading the Assad regime’s crackdown on dissent. … NATO strategists are thinking more in terms of pouring large quantities of anti-tank and anti-air rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns into the protest centers for beating back the government armored forces. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011)

    This initiative, which was also supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, involved a process of organized recruitment of thousands of jihadist “freedom fighters”, reminiscent of the enlistment of Mujahideen to wage the CIA’s jihad (holy war) in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:

    Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (Ibid, emphasis added)

    These mercenaries were subsequently integrated into US and allied sponsored terrorist organizations including Al Nusrah and ISIS.

    he Daraa “protest movement” on March 17-18 had all the appearances of a staged event involving covert support to Islamic terrorists by Mossad and/or Western intelligence.

    Government sources pointed to the role of radical Salafist groups (supported by Israel).

    In chorus, the Western media described the events in Daraa as a protest movement against Bashar Al Assad.

    In a bitter irony, the deaths of policemen were higher than those of “demonstrators”.

    In Daraa, roof top snipers were targeting both police and demonstrators." https://www.globalresearch.ca/syria...for-a-us-nato-humanitarian-intervention/24591

    So now that you know the real story - stop parroting the propaganda narrative that Assad's Security forces fired on unarmed protesters.
  7. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    How do you know that the Pentagon is not packing sand up somebody's rear end?
  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I did not claim that Abraham was not a real person - just that the Bible claiming he was is not proof of claim. In fact - I suggested that Abraham was a real individual. The God of Abraham was El.

    The claim that YHWH and the God of Jesus are not the same is not Myth - it is obvious from the Bible.

    The YHWH of the OT was a flip flopping, xenophobic, genocidal maniac - a God with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics.

    This God makes a law stating that Children are not to be punished for the sins of their parents (good law - part of the rule of law in fact)
    YHWH then turns around and orders the Israelite's to engage in mass slaughter of children and babies (on a number of occasions - not just against foreign people but also against fellow Israelite's"

    Adulterers are to be stoned to death - Children killed for cursing their parents - and so on.

    The God of Jesus is all "love neighbor as self" "let ye who is without sin cast the first stone" "forgiveness" "Judge not lest you be Judged.

    Occam's razor now comes into play.

    What are the possibilities

    1) God YHWH did a complete 180 and turned from nasty to nice.
    2) We are talking two different Gods

    1) does not pass the giggle test. The answer is 2.
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The Job of the Pentagon is to pack sand up the peoples rear end - engage in propaganda and false narratives - including the occasional false flag.

    The Job of the Media is to prop up these false narratives - which is what the OP illustrates.

    Baghdadi is dead - "Look how we are fighting the bad terrorists" we are told. What is not mentioned (Sin of Omission) is that Baghdadi's troops were part of our proxy army against Assad ( the other main group being Al Qaeda/Al Nusra - and assorted affiliates and/or other groups with the same radical Islamist Jihadist ideology) - one that we armed with tens of thousands of tons of sophisticated military equipment.

    The headline should read "US kills Baghdadi - its long time ally in Syria"
    Eleuthera likes this.
  10. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Protestors were killed not police. The schoolboys were arrested and tortured. Assad refused to release them to their parents. A month later some of their bodies turned up on the streets and protests erupted.

    I posted the links you ASKED for so that you could READ about what happened in Syria and what the setting was like at the time. You obviously have NOT bothered to read them so leave me alone. I don't deal with children.
  11. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You posted one link ... and the link said that 4 unarmed protesters were killed and 7 police/security personnel - and I quoted from your link in my post (something you had not bothered to do)

    It seems the only one who did not read - or did not understand - your link was you.

    Your post consists of Strawman fallacy -and projecting your issues on to me.

    "Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person"

    Help can be found here https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/projection
  12. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    I think my mother was two people. One minute she would love me, and
    the next I would be belted.

    Never figured that one out - was she schizophrenic of something?

    The God of the NT said "peace on earth, goodwill to all men" and then
    the Jews were threatened with war.
    Apart from the "sexism" of the statement, there's the problem that Jesus
    wept for Jerusalem, telling the Jews what would happen to them. WHAT

    Indeed, in Daniel it says that the Romans would destroy Jerusalem, the
    temple AND the Messiah. And what would become of the Jews? Quote,
    "desolations are determined." Not one desolation, many. Read a brief
    history of the Jews in exile. So the god that determined there would be
    desolations against the Jews in the OT carried this out through three
    grueling wars against Rome, and then persecution from the Crusades,
    pogroms, genocides and holocausts in the following two millennium -
    with more than ten million dead.

    This is nothing to giggle at.
  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    An omnipotent - all powerful - eternal God having the most petty and nasty of human characteristics - makes no sense.

    You should refer to the folks in the OT - at least prior to the Babylonian Captivity - as Israelite's - remember there were 12 tribes - not one (1)

    It was the Israelite's that were often the one's threatening war.

    Now sure how any of this relates to the topic under discussion - which is that the God of Jesus was not YHWH :)

    The Jews definitely had a rough go of it after the destruction of the Temple by the Romans.

    Then when the Church got power during the reign of Constantine - the Jews again suffered through the 1000 years of horror that followed.
  14. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Yes, that is why I can't respect my parents.
    Giftedone likes this.
  15. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    I think something happened with US support for Hitler early 1930's and US support
    for Stalin's Russia 1941. We don't want a bloody-minded government that takes a
    position and sticks to it "out of principle." Things change, stuff happens, alliances shift.
    Thank goodness we don't have an ideological government.
  16. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    WW2 comparisons don't cut it. Of course we allied with the Soviet Union against Hitler - what were we supposed to do ? - let Adolf take over the world. It was a "World War" - Hitler had declared war on us and the Jap's attacked us.

    We faced no such threat from Syria - the bad Assad. In Syria we allied with the people who had attacked us on 911 - the radical Islamist Jihadists that we were claiming to be fighting - while arming and supporting them. Orwellian doublespeak.

    We never were told why we were at war against Assad - and while it likely has something to with Assad not playing ball by allowing US interests to build pipelines through his nation - we simply don't know.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  17. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Ah, the ol' pipeline theory.
    Wasn't that why they staged the 911 attack, to build a pipeline somewhere?
    Syria is of interest to the hard left for only one reason - another attack on the
    nefarious America and their Jewish interests (plus toss in an oil company or
    two, plus the pipeline.)
  18. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Never heard that one for 911 - Certainly a possibility for why we have been in Afghanistan for 18 years. All we can do is speculate on what the real reason is. Keeping Afghanistan destabilized keeps the Russian interests from building an energy corridor to the "new silk road". Pipelines to the energy hungry China and India - near 3 Billion people who are now industrializing at a torrid pace. Its not small potatoes.

    You kind of wander into la la land with the idea that the Dems are anti Jew. - this is a nonsense narrative - most Jews are Blue :)

    Never mind speculation on what it might be though - what we know for sure is what its not. We are not in Afghanistan to fight Al Qaeda .. and we are not in Syria because Assad is a bad guy.

    My point is simply that if we are going to be spending Trillions of dollars on Regime change and destabilization - the Pentagon should be giving us regular updates on 1) why we are there 2) what the objectives are 3) and how we have progressed with those objectives.

    Syria was a covert op for the first years - and even when Trump stopped the flow of arms it was called ending the covert op.

    Why is arming a proxy army - in some foreign nation - one that has been going on for years - a proxy army that we have publicly stated our support - covert ? Secret. That is not transparency and it is not accountability.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  19. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Conspiracy - The administration’s pre-9/11 plan was to refashion the world - replace the Taliban
    so that a pipeline to bring oil from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan could be built.

    You take the complexity of the world, with its religions, national interests, terrorism, finances,
    energy, ideology, climate, wars, tribalisms etc and reduce it down to one single issue - this
    saves on thinking, and sucks in people who don't like thinking either.
    So, Bush Jnr wars against Sadaam Hussein to get his oil.
    "Wait, that doesn't make sense, the Chinese and French got the oil !!!!"
    "Ah, yes, you don't understand, there's this pipe line in Afghanistan..."

    Toss in the Masons, the Protocols of Zion, escaped Nazis, oil executives, the Rothschildd,
    aliens at Area 51 and how America faked the attack on Pearl Harbor to get control of Japanese
  20. Red Lily

    Red Lily Banned

    Aug 1, 2016
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    The best kind of terrorist scumbag is a dead one. More will rise in the ranks and will hopefully will meet the same fate. For every dead Baghdadi dozens, hundreds and thousands of innocent lives are saved.
    FatBack likes this.
  21. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    My take on conspiracies is - of course they exist ... folks conspire all the to achieve goals - when power is involved all the more complex things can get.

    At the end of the day .... someone - some group(s) - has to run the show. The universe hates a vacuum and within human endeavor even more so.

    The international financiers created a grand experiment in capitalism with the US. They will squeeze a few more pints of milk out of this cow and leave the citizens holding a 30 Trillion dollar bag of debt.

    The problem is that this grand experiment (which has spread throughout the world) is messing up the planet. I am not talking "Global Warming" - while this is an issue - it is 4th - maybe further down on the list of environmental issues the planet is facing.

    Ocean Pollution is #1 - and we don't debate this in serious scientific circles. Never mind oceans rising - things getting bit warmer - by the time that happens we will have messed up the Oceans - even more so than they already are - which is getting bad .. measurably bad.

    Unlike Global warming - we know what the pollutants are (heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, Nitrogen/fertilizer -and you can throw in plastic) we can measure how much - we know the source - and we are seeing consequences right now.

    Sure its reported - on page 82 at the bottom corner of the NY-times .. but there is no serious conversations happening - like with CO2 - and unlike CO2 - the fixes are relatively simple

    2/3 are industrialization and population growth - which also contribute to CO2. 1.8 Billion are industrialized .. a study I read a decade ago stated that if China was to reach first world level of consumption - world resource production would have to double.

    The Ocean is not a garbage can - and industrialization is a dirty proposition. Mercury levels in Tuna are already hitting bars - more than 2 cans a week and you exceed the Mercury guidelines for pregnant women. Industrializing another 1.8 Billion - which doesn't even get us to half the worlds population - forecast 8 billion by 2030 - will result in a big increase in pollution.
    Red Lily likes this.
  22. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Call it what you like but it is reality - an "intellectual reality" - Perhaps we did not create the radical Islamist's - Saudi Arabia is the culprit there .. but, we armed and supported these nut jobs in Syria - with tens of thousands of tons of sophisticated military technology.

    These groups then took over most of Syria - and some of them coalesced into an Islamic State. That never would have happened without arms and support that was given them by numerous nation states.
  23. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Durn right. :)

  24. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    So... US debt isn't about government spending (ie welfare) but big corporations?

    You know, its hard to get anyone to admit that the last great financial crisis in
    America was largely the result of a "grand experiment" (Fed ReserveGreenspan's
    words) and Clinton and the Democrat's attempt to help poor people afford their
    own homes with loans through Fanny May and Freddy Mac? It was left to the
    financiers to package this bad debt to spread the damage as far as they could.
    And when it failed - blame Wall Street.
  25. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Hey, we don't have time for this. We're all about impeachment these days and have no time to celebrate the death of a monster or give credit to the President who authorized the raid. Of course he didn't lead it through the door like Obama did when he single handedly shot Osama.
    So they were spreading Islam through trade and migration 700 years before there was Islam? Now how can you defeat planning like that?

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