WISE Founder Teaches Muslim Women Self Defense To Protect Against Hate Crimes

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by Sane Centrist, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Of all the stories I have posted in this forum regarding Muslims this is "thus" by far the most troubling. (for me)

    I understand many of you will not be phased by this story what-so-ever, just as I also know that some of you won't see the same urgency in it that I see.

    Many of us take self defense classes or give self defense classes, and we all consider them to be perfectly normal. But we "normally" don't take them as a result of some nationwide backlash against our tribe, and this is what's troubling for me.

    We have now reached a tipping point in this country where Muslim women "feel the need / have to" take self defense classes because of the anti-Muslim violence against specifically Muslim women.

    WOMEN.............that's really courageous isn't it guys?

    That's right, although this video below is from London, "this", and similar things like it is happening so much in "our" country, that these women now have to take self defense classes where in the past I'm sure it was the furthest thing from their minds.


    These woman below have to "now" take self defense classes because of what their wearing......

    american muslim women 1.jpg

    Muslim Woman 1.jpg

    Muslim Women 2.jpg

    WISE Founder Teaches Muslim Women Self Defense To Protect Against Hate Crimes
    The overwhelming majority of anti-Muslim violence targets women.

    In the wake of increasing anti-Muslim hate crimes in the United States, Muslim women are taking their safety into their own hands.
    Through her organization, Women's Initiative for Self-Empowerment, karate instructor and activist Rana Abdelhamid leads self-defense workshops for Muslim women, who are overwhelmingly targeted in acts of Islamophobic violence.

    Albdelhamid, who started the group after a man tried to forcibly remove her hijab when she was 16 years old, is a Shotokan Karate black belt and teaches fellow Muslim women how to react if they experience a violent threat.

    The Egyptian-American Queens native, is pursuing a master's degree in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, but has taken her classes on the road to places like Washington, D.C., Dublin and Madrid.

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...rana-abdelhamid_us_56e6dbade4b065e2 e3d67f23

    Really................in America.........?
  2. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Please link to the thread you started of all the blacks knocking out white women.

    As for the video, it is as likely that was a Muslim man who was the attacker because she was not being escorted by a male as required under Sharia law. But then maybe you are cheering the attack for that reason? Muslim women learning self defense against Muslim men? Can't tell from your message exactly what your point is.
  3. Zorroaster

    Zorroaster Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    It's in the nature of coexistence that it is fragile thing. The more contradictory elements introduced into a system the more fragile it becomes. The US has been able to absorb many different cultures, even those outside of the Judeo-Christian axis (Asians are a good example). It has been able so far to survive the forces tearing it apart by insisting immigrant cultures adapt to its folkways, rather than having the culture adapt to the demands of an insurgent group.

    Islamic immigration is objectively different from previous immigration waves. Islam is not a monolith, of course. But we cannot ignore one fact: at this point in its development, the Islamic world is in fundamental opposition to classical liberal values. It is not a matter of inconsequence the unifrom that you wear. France's ban on religious clothing is a recognition of this fact.

    Wearing Islamic headgear or clothing is an aggressive political statement. It is a clear and unequivocal rejection of the culture of your host, and the citizens of the host country are perfectly aware of this.

    This does not justify violent attacks on people. Everyone has a right to be left alone in public and private. But stop pretending that Muslims are not waging a war against Western cultures. The war is not just guns and bombs, it is cultural intimidation and forcing others to retreat from public life. The scarf and hijab are elements of a uniform, and the people who wear it are soldiers in an ongoing conflict.
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Perhaps I shouldn't be wearing my "Dirndl" anymore. I could offend some sensitive male....
  5. Zorroaster

    Zorroaster Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    A sadly childish reaction. A dirndl is not currently part of the uniform of a hostile group. The hijab is. Your 'sensitive male' comment is a reflexive appeal to western gender politics, but Islam doesn't care about any westerner's sensitivities - neither yours nor mine.

    It's not a matter of offense. It's a matter of survival. The first element of survival is to recognize when you are under attack. It's not at all uncommon in Europe for religious para-police to enforce dress codes in areas under their control. When non-Muslims see a hijab, they know that it is just a probing attack. It's too late for non-Muslims in Europe, but a defense is still possible in the US.

    This can be done very simply. Prohibit all immigration to the US from predominantly Islamic nations. Do this quietly through adminstrative action. Due to their small numbers Muslims in the US do not pose a major threat.
  6. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    In answer to the op question, sadly it is who a fair number of us have become. I remember on this site after the murder of Lee Rigby, Muslim haters were congratulating the British people who were removing Hijabs from Muslim women's heads, laughing that anyone could see any problem with this, encouraging it, unaware or not caring that you cannot remove a hijab/scarf from a woman's head without attacking her.

    Certainly in the UK it is Muslim women who suffer the most attacks and just like in the States they are afraid

    As a Muslim woman I was never fearful in Britain. But today I’m afraid

    As for the wearing of a headscarf being a uniform well I can remember until I was well into my twenties it was common for British women to go out wearing headscarfs not infrequently with curlers underneath.

    As for the expressing the belief that Muslims should not be allowed into the US for 'survival' reasons and claiming there are areas in Europe where people are forced to wear a dress code under 'para police' I guess Muslim control - This is just fabricated propaganda not linked to reality and deliberately circulated to create anti Muslim hate among hate prone and easily terrified people. There are no 'no go' zones in Europe. I doubt very much the writer would be happy with just stopping new Muslims from entering the US. Without question starting in the US we have the beginning of a repeat of the 30's - in a very similar situation of changing norms, mass immigration from those fleeing conflict (in Europe) and of course a very poor economic climate all of which makes some people very anxious - in the US this appears to be working class white males predominantly. Add to this 'the other' whom there has been a concerted hate campaign going on for at least the last ten years in the US which then became transatlantic


    and research is showing that not only does the US have those with an authoritarian personality working as usual in this way - something which the Republican party has been doing since the 60's but you have also what they call people 'activated' to authoritarianism due to the issues I have raised above and in addition in connection with the white working class of the US the reality that American Whites of European descent will not be the majority in the US for much longer and are in danger of losing their privileged position.

    I would add that as well as fear there must be another thing which the authoritarians share which brings them to attack Muslim women and in general advocate hate (and violence) towards the 'other'. Of course in the US 'the other' in no way is limited to Muslims. I would say what this is is the inability to feel empathy. This too was found to be one of the issues with those who went this way in the 1930's.
  7. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    The point is they don't need to dress like that, so why do they? I'll tell you why - because it's a 'a statement', and a provocative one.
  8. Sly Lampost

    Sly Lampost New Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    Utterly disgraceful.
  9. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    As long as US Muslims are armed to the teeth there should be no problem.

    Too late for disarmed Europe, of course, over-run with pasty-faced nazis as it is.

    I see what I did there.
  10. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    There are psychos all around us whenever we walk out of our front doors; any of us could end up like her even by making eye contact with one of them. That being a well-established and well-known fact, how stupid must it be to intentionally attract their attention just to follow a bloody 'dress code'?
  11. supaskip

    supaskip Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    No, I don't believe it's who we are. This man is a coward, amongst other things.
    Even if you have hatred towards such a woman that would encourage you to shout racist remarks (generalizing about her because she wears something you associate with a terrorist), most people would draw the line at physical violence. I think those who do not have some mental issues to add to the mix.
  12. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    You've lost me here Jake because I never started a thread about blacks knocking out white women.

    Probably because there isn't a rash of blacks knocking out white women, not that I'm aware of anyway, and this topic isn't about blacks knocking out white women as much as it it's about how low we've sunk as a nation where a certain group of women "have to / are now forced" to take self defense classes because they have been targeted, harassed, and in some cases physically violated by being hit.

    The video of the Muslim woman I posted was an incident that happened in London of a black guy knocking out a Muslim woman, not a white woman, and I admitted in my original thread that - that did not take place here in the states, but that "similar" things to that event have been happening here.

    Here we go....................

    Muslim women are only accompanied by men in Saudi Arabia, and in SAUDI ARABIA ONLY!!!!

    Jake, this is really starting to get old now, and I'm really getting burnt out by re-explaining & re-explaining the same things over & over a million times.

    There are many, many facets to Sharia Law and (like all things with Muslims) it doesn't neatly fit into one little box that you can package and place 2 billion Muslims into.

    Below is the best video I have ever seen that explains Sharia Law. The "intelligent" person would look at it in it's entirety, and educate themselves before making claims about Sharia Law this & sharia Law that.


    So for the last time here, Muslim women all around the world absolutely do not have to be, or are commanded to be escorted by men accept for in Saudi Arabia where the most extreme form of Islam is practiced which is called "Wahhabism". Please stick that in your mental rolodex so we don't have to keep going over this.


    Lastly the man that hit that woman (Michael Ayoade) was not a Muslim, he was later caught & arrested, and it was discovered that he did it because he just hates Muslims, so like a coward he took his frustrations out on a Muslim woman. (real brave)

    But thanks for assuming & trying to spin in it like it was an incident only involving Muslims, therefore not our problem right?

    By the way I can't stomach to watch that video anymore because each time I watched it I wanted to throw up.

    No Jake, and thanks for "not" reading the story I posted that "clearly" explains how Muslim women in this country have been attacked so much that now they have to take self defense classes in order to keep safe. (which I find disgusting)

    That's because like most folks in here you haven't bothered to read my comments or the story I posted & linked.

    Go back and really read it this time, and it should make sense this time.
  13. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Got it..........................


    Wearing Traditional Religious Headgear in America constitutes that your automatically an enemy of the United States, and that you are showing your aggression towards it's citizens...........................




    Greek Orthodox clergyman wearing clerical kalimavkion.jpg

    Jewish woman wearing  yamaca.jpg




    AS LONG AS YOUR A MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOT IT............
  14. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Muslim women have more to fear from their husband's than from a few nut jobs on the street
  15. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    This is America............

    Thousands, upon thousand of soldiers have served, fought & died (including my grandfather in WWII, my uncles in the Korean war, and me in the 1980's, so that you, and millions of other people could wear whatever the hell you want, including whatever you choose to put on top of your head.

    Millions of people of all faiths & all religions wear headgear in this country, but Muslim women are now being systematically targeted, and violated because of their "choice" to practice their faith in a way that they see fit.

    That "America" that all of those soldiers fought to make sure our values & principals remained the same would be rolling over in their graves if they saw the country in the state of condition it's in today.

    I must be the only idiot left in America who actually believes it's wrong to hit a woman or to harass her because of something she's wearing or because she chooses to follow her faith, and wear headgear, whatever that headgear may be.

    Like I said in my original post, taking self defense classes because you want to is one thing, but having to do it because violence against your tribe has spiked, and now you have become the target & outlet for someone else's rage is completely unacceptable.

    I believe I, and my way of seeing things, and my worldview is slowly becoming the minority in this country, and I think that's sad.
  16. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Please see post #13..............
  17. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    The first time I saw that video I got physically ill to my stomach, and I had to fight not to throw up.

    The second time I saw it I had to fight every instinct in my body not to board a plane bound for England to find the idiot that did it.

    The third time I watched it I struggled to fight back a sea of tears that never fell but were at the gates.

    I refuse to watch it anymore because it just turns me into a lunatic.
  18. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    So much ignorance and stupidity in this post. Where shall I start?
  19. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Is wearing a yarmulke or Sikh turban also an "aggressive political statement" in your valued opinion, and should they also be banned? Or, more to the point, is adherence to and respect for one's own cultural heritage only reserved for nice white folk?
    Perhaps we should bring back attacks on Jews for being Jews; y'know, just like in the good ol' days...
  20. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Rubbish. The only provocation I see is your subjective opinion. Don't be such a wimp.
  21. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    It's not about following a "bloody dress code", and there are too many videos all over the internet of Muslims women explaining why they do for you to make that statement.

    Are we not adults or what here?

    Can we not reason rationally like mature adults, and give "all people" the respect they deserve?

    Millions of Muslim women do not cover, millions do, and the reasons are all over the place as to why they do & don't, but the bottom line is that nobody should be attacked for what they're wearing or for what religion they practice.

    Would you not agree that the people that are doing this have become just as bad as the people they claim to hate?

    The people that do this, do it because they hate Muslims, they hate Muslims because they feel like they're all terrorists, and that they hurt others for bogus reasons...............

    So what's their answer....to walk up to defenseless women, and knock them out....:wall::wall::wall:

    Which universe does this make sense in???
  22. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    What nonsense. Lets see even one example from the US. CAIR is likely making up the statistics as they go along.
  23. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Really........................and thanks for your compassion here.

    You mean like these nut job Muslim husbands?

    Couple 1.jpg

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    Couple 7.jpg


    You know those "peaceful" 1.6 to 1.8 billion Muslims I'm always going on & on about all the time that most of you in here don't want to believe exist?

    The Muslims in these pictures represents the majority of all Muslims living all over the world........not the ones you constantly see on Jihad Watch.

    You have a wonderful day...............
  24. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Oh I already took care of him, trust me..............:thumbsup:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Took care of this one too, take a look at post #13..........:roflol:
  25. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Sadly, despite your valiant and entirely laudable efforts, you'll never change the attitudes of the committed bigot who thrives on the Daily Mail, feasts on xenophobic jingoism and farts hatred.

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