Hazel to Mayor Patrick Brown: "Don't think small... market Brampton to the world!"

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by DennisTate, Jul 24, 2023.


Was Mayor Hazel correct that Brampton could be MARKETED TO THE WORLD????

  1. no

    0 vote(s)
  2. yes

    1 vote(s)
  3. Maybe....I have to admit... that the people of Brampton do tend to be rather polite????

    0 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Could Mayor Hazel have been correct.....
    could it really be possible to "Market Brampton to the World???????"

    In a way.... I actually have made an effort to market Mississauga to the whole world......

    and at least a few people might tend to think that what I wrote over here in this other discussion was not the most totally inept marketing that they have ever read?!

    Immigration levels to Canada hit record high in 2022 ..

    wgabrie likes this.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    On Saturday my wife was invited to a birthday party......
    for somebody who began a charitable organization, if I remember correctly..... about thirty years ago..... and this charity has already branched out to many nations in their efforts to assist homeless people.... the very poor.... refugees.... alcoholics.... drug addicts.

    The woman who began this organization is paraplegic......
    but in my opinion she has STAR QUALITY at a level that is quite rare!

    I personally try my best to do about a thousand hours of volunteerism per year in some form...... much of it as a writer / troubleshooter on political forum... and then I take the discussion and poll that I began here and I take it over to other forums where I tend to get quite a few hits...... and sometimes.... I even lure a new poster here to political forum to debate or argue with me...... and sometimes even to partly agree with me.......!

    Mayor Patrick Brown was there......
    and I told him that about a month ago one of the customers where I work commented that the political elite in the Conservative Party in Ottawa were scared of him.... which is why they went all out to derail his bid to lead the Conservative Party of Canada!?


    I didn't get the opportunity to let Mayor Brown know that my hobby was losing elections... .and that I had already lost four of them back in Nova Scotia!



    My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.

    Is the world economy being deliberately dampened, perhaps to save the environment?
    1. *
      3 vote(s)

    2. No
      0 vote(s)

    3. Maybe?????
      1 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Can political leaders and comedians and near death experiencers and business people in Brampton and the Greater Toronto Area come together to prevent
    eighty to a hundred million climate change refugees from being created in Bangladesh alone....... in the event of a tsunami wave hitting the West Antarctic Ice Sheet??????

    One possible way to market Brampton might be...... "Brampton... the City with more comedians per hectare than any other city in Canada!"

    For example.... Russel Peters is from Brampton......
    and I betcha Russel Peters can tell us where the majority of twenty to a hundred million climate change refugees from Brampton would probably go IF.... the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to be hit with a Tsunami or earthquake or volcano??????



    "Crazy Names In Copenhagen."

    Carl Cantrell and I got into this topic way back in 2007......

    My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.

    The Greening of the Sahara

    Here is a forum that I got banned from.... due to how annoying some of the questions were that I was asking!

    "Physics question related to the geography of the Bay of Fundy?"

    If average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters.... .would
    the multiplier effect of the geography of the Bay of Fundy continue?

    The fact that the Bay of Fundy funnels tidal waters plus......
    it is over 170 miles long, (274 kms), it produces high tide level that are tenX to fifteenX over the difference in tidal waters where I live.

    So... could high tide levels near TRuro, N. S. to Moncton, N. B. be up by a meter or more if average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters?

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2023
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now here is a guest speaker who could sure liven up the intellectual scene in Brampton....... or anywhere else that she goes for that matter!

    "Why I left the Left -- Amala Ekpunobi" Was she wrong to leave the left????

    Perhaps Ms. Amala Ekpunobi..... Mayor Patrick Brown..... Comedian Russel Peters and actor Woody Harrelson.......
    might just be able to get Ontario and this world considering a better option than the hairball Carbon Tax Theory.........

    Every cubic meter that is desalinated and added to the water table of Algeria or Israel or Jordan or Qatar or Australia... or California or Mexico or India.... is great news for the owners of real estate along the Bay of Fundy... or New Orleans.... or Bangladesh... or The Netherlands... .or London or The Maldive Islands or Bermuda or... .... or.... or.... or....!!!!!

    Underwater Cabinet Meeting in the Maldives

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2023
  5. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Let's break this down into smaller bite-sized chunks.

    What is Brampton?
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  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Brampton is the City that comedian Russel Peters is from.

    Brampton is next to the City of Mississauga where I have lived since December of 2021..... [when I was forced to retire one day before I was going to be put on Unpaid Administrative Leave due to my refusal to take the Covid 19 vaccine, in its present forms]!

    For the record.. I was actually scheduled to take the Covid 19 vaccine on May 26, 2021 but... my schedule at that time was Monday to Friday two thirty pm to ten thirty pm so.... I had time to do a lot of research on the various vaccines and after listening to Dr. Simone Gold and Robert Malone M. D. and others I decided that there was no way that I was going to take any of the experimental Covid 19 vaccines that were available at that time.


    Hazel is the amazing Mayor of Mississauga who I am sure is looking down on all readers of this discussion with favour from the higher invisible dimension of space and time that she graduated up to recently.


    Several months ago it was suggested to me that I should perhaps campaign for the office of Mayor of Toronto but... I soon found out that I could not because I am a resident of Mississauga only.

    I did give some serious consideration to the idea of campaigning for the office of Mayor of Toronto though...... and I suspect that I will likely enter the next Mayoral election for here in Mississauga.

    In a way it is kind of hilarious that I actually drove about half an hour toward Toronto...... knocked on several doors...... collected three nomination signatures within a few moments.... but then somebody told me that I was still technically in Mississauga........ so signatures from the area that I was in would not have been valid even if I had actually been able to campaign for the office of Mayor of Toronto..............

    I don't mind laughing at my own ignorance.....
    so I plan to admit publicly how ignorant I still am of how huge even the City of Mississauga really is.


    2023 By-Election for Mayor of Toronto, Canada

    Here is an example of what I think is the largest alternative currency in use here in Canada in 2023.



    New to Calgary Dollars? Click one of the circles below to learn more!
    Already registered? Click Login:
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2023
  7. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Well Dennis, I don't even know what the people of my home town want in a politician, so I wouldn't even run in a political election.

    What I'm seeing politicians doing now is sending people to online polls via email and phone text, and at the end of the poll they are asked to donate to the candidate, organization, or political party taking the poll. That's a good way to learn stuff while getting donations.
    DennisTate likes this.
  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    You are correct Wgabrie...... polls can be quite educational. I was rather surprised to find out that so far the majority of posters here on political forum prefer my plan on how to deal with the CBC even over the rather courageous campaign promise that Mr. Pierre Polievre has made.

    Pierre Polievre vs Dr. Leslyn Lewis????

    Who has the best plan to deal with Canada's CBC?

    1. Mr. Pierre Polievre
      0 vote(s)

    2. Dr. Leslyn Lewis
      0 vote(s)
    3. *
      Dennis Tate / Tait
      3 vote(s)

    4. other
      1 vote(s)

    5. Mr. Maxime Bernier
      0 vote(s)

    6. P. M. Justin Trudeau
      1 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    My plan is based on the rather brilliant 1938 to 1974 Bank of Canada policy that Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau abandoned.

    I like showing how this topic may be relevant to American readers.

    Best Idea for a Better Canada Contest

    A plan to save the economy of Canada from an impending BEAR MARKET... could well originate in Brampton, Ontario!!!

    Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets?

    Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis?

    1. No
      8 vote(s)
    2. *
      11 vote(s)

    3. I certainly hope not????
      2 vote(s)

    4. I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes!
      0 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I believe that Canadians and Americans want political leaders who will look at how the Worgl, Austria local currency experiment was used to FORCE F.D.R. to positively alter the USA and world economy by ordinary people who listened to and applied the teachings of professor of economics Irving Fisher Ph. D.


    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
  10. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis, I hate to say it, but polls on this message board don't represent the voting public at large. Both because the politics on this board are skewed away from the mainstream opinion, and because three votes for your online poll don't tell you what your town's voting constituents want.
    DennisTate likes this.
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    True.... a poll with only three votes cannot be taken all that seriously but........

    .... the very fact that a red neck from the back woods of Nova Scotia can begin a discussion and poll here on political forum .com...... add the link to that discussion to dozens of Mewe conservative and President Trump support groups..... and then get TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND HITS IN ONE DAY......
    means that political forum combined with another type of discussion forum has the potential to break through the Mainstream Media Monopoly on getting information out there to a large audience!

    Today I was thinking about a possible way that the City of Brampton and Mayor Patrick Brown could conceivably reach a particular segment of the population of the USA and Canada. All that they would have to do is to get The Colton Burpo........ and his mom and dad and hopefully his sisters to Brampton for a week or two.... or for a month or more each year, [preferably in the summer when our Toronto climate is at its best]!?

    "Heaven Is For Real" Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo (Short Version)

    Went to Heaven and now back to tell us what he saw: Colton Burpo / Heaven is for real

    Professionals are MARKETING every aspect of the modern economy.....
    even Theology.... and it is interesting how Pastor Todd Burpo admitted that until his own little son had a near death experience.....
    he tended to stay away from near death experience testimonies ..... and instead he focused on the Bible.

    Colton Burpo has grown up and is in the process of becoming an electrician..... and I am sure that there must be a company or business somewhere in Brampton that would love to have The Colton Burpo working for them.........
    ...... and I personally have a challenge in mind for the grown up Colton Burpo......
    to raise funds for charitable organizations in the Greater Toronto Area that would be interested in turning Homeless People into actors.... playing the role of Homeless People..... and Colton Burpo works with this group occasionally on his days off.......
    .... and I attempt to figure out a way to turn the Film Production Cooperative and / or Kibbutz and / or company or companies that turn Homeless People into a market for cottages...... outside of the Greater Toronto Area where land is no where nearly so expensive!

    The challenge that I have in mind for the grown up Colton Burpo and his dad involves the idea of
    Theoretically Infinite Financing.....
    once the implications of the Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment as it was applied all over the USA during the Great Depression.... is actually explained to ordinary people!

    One possible way to make this more interesting would be professional actors playing the role of homeless people.... alongside actual homeless people... .and then challenge the people living in the area where this community of cottages gets built.... to see if the local people and the viewing audience of the reality film series... can guess who the real homeless people are..... vs the actors who are playing the role of being homeless???????

    Could a real estate boom plus better Fed policy pay off USA national debt?

    Speaking of Marketing I added an interesting quotation on that topic to my 2004 campaign writing..... [For the record... my 2004 campaign writing is pretty bad.... my typing out TEN PAGES made me one of Canada's Worst Politicians!


    Can the national debt of the USA be paid off in one year?

    Can the national debt of the USA be paid off in one year?

    1. No
      41 vote(s)

    2. Yes
      4 vote(s)
    3. *
      No.. it will take seven years and Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight must be prepared for.
      2 vote(s)

    4. By this do you mean that the national debt of the USA is partly a practical joke???????
      1 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    What could and should be done by elected political leaders......
    in theory could be accomplished through the private sector.... through leaders in business, education, the media...... AND SPIRITUALITY......

    and a key to getting this done from an angle that is very different from the angle that we tend to want this accomplished from could be THE ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEERISM....... because some estimates are that volunteerism is somewhere in the range of being twenty percent of the USA and Canadian economies.

    Since I have came to Mississauga... a buddy at work who reminds me of Joe Rogan......
    has gotten me rather obsessed with SHRINK DAMAGED.......

    ..... and I believe that volunteerism by white collar workers........
    who actually want to see share holders in the companies that they work for earn dividends on their shares in the company.......
    could be the factor that could unite many businesses AGAINST WHAT SURE LOOKS TO ME LIKE A DELIBERATE PLAN TO SET IN MOTION A BEAR MARKET, [ANOTHER 1929].

    Shrink Damaged at a building supply store, such as where I have been working since January of 2022 is a very different creature from Shrink Damaged at Kate Spade or Louis Vuitton or Coach or Mark Jacobs.....SHRINK DAMNAGED at high priced stores and websites...... is relevant to a very different group of people than blue collar workers......
    and this segment of the population could easily begin to cooperate in a way that would scare the corrupt officials in positions of leadership in all major parts of our economy.

    I have a sentence that I would like to put out there as a friendly challenge to supporters of Mayor Patrick Brown...... because at least a few of them will do their homework and research what I am attempting to lure some readers into understanding.......


    Are C.E.O's over paid? If so... why?

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
  13. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis, I bought the Audible audio book version of Heaven is for Real. I must admit that the implications of needing to be saved to enter Heaven is a bit distressing for an Atheist such as myself. But I have also watched NDE accounts on YouTube and in some of those cases Atheists make it to an afterlife, so I don't know what to think.
    DennisTate likes this.
  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My impression is that Atheists can be shown astonishing things during their brushes with death...... that cannot be shown to religious people. Atheist and near death experiencer Mellen Benedict was shown what sure sounds like the Cyclic Model of the Universe that Stephen Hawking Ph. D. wrote about in "Stephen Hawking's Universe".... chapter thirteen..... That chapter was entitled The Anthropic Principle......


    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I deeply appreciate your taking my plan seriously and introducing my plan to several people. This week I was especially tired each day after coming home from work and I haven't contacted ....... just yet but.....

    today while I was working an intriguing idea hit me.

    Please visualize yourself at plate......in a softball league where you are raising money for a charity that you deeply believe in. Please visualize me as a pitcher... .and I lob the softball to you in such a way that I am actually hoping for you to hit that ball out of the park!

    Dr. Lance Wallnau has predicted that The Bride of Messiah the church must RISE UP and invade ALL SEVEN MOUNTAINS. One of them is ART, especially film production. Catch the Fire now has Catch the Fire TV.

    Please imagine YOURSELF AS AN ACTOR...... playing the role of me, Dennis Tate, and you do such a phenomenal job of adding your skills to mine... that you end up raising tens of thousands and soon millions of dollars for various charities.

    ... ... please forward this message to the people who counsel you and pray with you on questions like this.

    Please pray about two titles...... "Reverse Engineering of a C.E.O. salary and benefit package."
    "Theoretically Infinite Financing for Charities through alternative currency units similar to the Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment."

    Now that I know more about your background I am certain that I was supposed to toss this idea at you.


    Dennis Tate

    p.s., I can write you up a concept that is legally yours for a token sum of two dollars.....
    and as you pray about researching the role of Dennis TAte I would like for you to take a look at this discussion. Please pray about Dr. Leslyn Lewis serving as your pro-bono lawyer because I am convinced that she is going to play a huge role in convincing the residents of the Canadian province of Alberta to NOT separate from Canada:

    "Hazel to Mayor Patrick Brown: "Don't think small... market Brampton to the world!""

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Russell Peters | Crazy Names in Copenhagen....
    Perhaps Ms. Amala Ekpunobi..... Mayor Patrick Brown..... Comedian Russel Peters and actor Woody Harrelson.......
    might just be able to get Ontario and this world considering a better option than the hairball Carbon Tax Theory.........
    Every cubic meter that is desalinated and added to the water table of Algeria or Israel or Jordan or Qatar or Australia... or California or Mexico or India.... is great news for the owners of real estate along the Bay of Fundy... or New Orleans.... or Bangladesh... or The Netherlands... .or London or The Maldive Islands or Bermuda or... .... or.... or.... or....!!!!!

    My humble apologies if my comment on this political forum gets you into trouble Russel??????
    The Thought Police sure did come after Woody Harrelson when he told the truth about..... well..... no need for me to get into that topic today???!!!
    "Can political leaders and comedians and near death experiencers and business people in Brampton and the Greater Toronto Area come together to prevent
    eighty to a hundred million climate change refugees from being created in Bangladesh alone....... in the event of a tsunami wave hitting the West Antarctic Ice Sheet??????
    One possible way to market Brampton might be...... "Brampton... the City with more comedians per hectare than any other city in Canada!"
    For example.... Russel Peters is from Brampton......
    and I betcha Russel Peters can tell us where the majority of twenty to a hundred million climate change refugees from Bangladesh would probably go IF.... the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to be hit with a Tsunami or earthquake or volcano??????"
    "Hazel to Mayor Patrick Brown: "Don't think small... market Brampton to the world!":

    Friend request is sent.... and... you may get a laugh out of this idea.....
    ....." Hazel to Mayor Patrick Brown: "Don't think small... market Brampton to the world!"
    I #post-1074360032
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If the rapid collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to occur due to an earthquake or tsunami or volcano then...... somewhere between twenty million to a hundred million climate change refugees may be created in Bangladesh alone. Where would they probably go.... if their homes were soon under the Indian Ocean???? Most of them would go to India... which is why B... G.... may not want the people of India to find out certain statistics...... that would tend to lead people away from his "Innovating to zero" theory......
    .... Here is a statistic that explains why ocean levels have not risen so far.......
    ..... the vast amount of H2O being added to the central region of Antarctica... has kept ocean levels stable......


    "Indians Must Stick Together."

    How much longer will central Antarctica save our coastal communities?

    How much longer will the addition of water to Antarctica protect low lying land?
    1. *
      Ten years
      3 vote(s)

    2. Twenty years
      1 vote(s)

    3. Thirty years...
      0 vote(s)

    4. Forty years...
      0 vote(s)

    5. More than forty years.....
      12 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Shalom Mayor Patrick Brown.....

    I was talking to a customer at work on Friday...... and I gave him a prediction.......
    I told him that within six months the Canadian and USA economy would begin to shift back toward a BULL MARKET.....

    ... as opposed to the Bear Market that we seem to be being lured into by whoever has the power to pass a script to high level elected officials.

    This Bull Market does not simply just happen......
    I believe that a group of bright people will see what is going on and they will be willing to risk their lives to expose the corruption that has been made so obvious.......

    Actually... the BULL MARKET that is coming quickly is not merely something like what we saw when F. D. R. announced The New Deal......

    what is coming soon is a FULL FLEDGED JUBILEE that will make the hidden meaning in Isaiah chapters forty two to forty six clear, [especially chapter forty five]!!!!!

    In a way..... one of the clearest statements on what has been happening over these past four years was shown to near death experiencer and former Atheist Howard Storm
    during his amazing brush with death.... and I believe... his full fledged RESURRECTION.


    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mayor Patrick Brown...... I noticed that you personally were willing to campaign for the office of National Leader of the Conservative Party......
    and of course become Prime Minister. In theory.... you may have greater freedom to do more for all of Canada from Brampton than if you had made it to the top of the Ottawa Swamp.

    Can we learn about the Washington Swamp from the Ottawa Swamp?

    Does the Ottawa Swamp and the Washington Swamp have the common denominator of ELITISM?

    1. NO
      2 vote(s)
    2. *
      6 vote(s)

    3. I am not sure but this is an intriguing theory that I may research further?????
      1 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    I really like the way that Ms. Betty Krawczyk explained what happened.....

    As you know anti-American sentiment gets stronger as you go politically left.....
    P. M. Justin Trudeau has driven the economy of Canada into a position where it would have been extremely difficult for Lowe's to make money off their purchase of Rona but........

    ... in theory a semi-reality science fiction film series set in an alternative universe 2022... could be used to shock the Canadian and USA economy toward OPTIMISM vs the Pessimism that Ottawa and Washington want us to be in!

    So..... perhaps the Worgl Austria Local Currency Experiment introduced by Irving Fisher Ph. D. to a thousand USA communities..... [that seems to have forced F. D. R. into the New Deal]..... could perhaps be done again but this time here in Canada!?

    Perhaps it is best to link this theory to a specific possible scenario.


    You can scroll back up to post number nine here for more information on the Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment put forward by Irving Fisher Ph. D.



    Our ARTISTIC FREEDOM may hold the key to unlocking our true economic freedom?!

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In Theory... a Brampton Dollar similar to Calgary Dollars.....
    and / or a Brampton Hour, similar to the Ithaca or Tamworth Hour.... could be used to
    link Brampton based film projects with......... a plan to attempt to POSITIVELY SHOCK THE T.S.E and even the Wall Street Money markets... ..... and stop what Biden and Trudeau seem to be heading toward??????

    Biden Digital Currency, does this scare you?

    Does the idea of a Biden Digital Currency scare you?

    1. Yes
      2 vote(s)

    2. No
      1 vote(s)
    3. *
      I really don't trust anything that Biden does!
      3 vote(s)

    4. I trust everything that President Biden supports!
      0 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    Mr. Jim Rickards does a great job of explaining all of this in terms of what happened here in Canada!

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Shabbat Shalom Mayor Patrick Brown.....

    Sir.... I am planning on, if possible, becoming a candidate in the next Mississauga, Mayoral election.

    I believe that I will be able to create quite a bit of discussion and cognitive dissonance and potentially heated or preferably humous discussions based on some of the theories that I have already explained.

    I do believe that Comedian Russel Peters could have a blast with some of the ideas that I put out there on one of the forums that I got myself kicked out of... that I give the link to in post number three above.


    "Physics question related to the geography of the Bay of Fundy?"

    "If average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters.... .would
    the multiplier effect of the geography of the Bay of Fundy continue?

    The fact that the Bay of Fundy funnels tidal waters plus......
    it is over 170 miles long, (274 kms), it produces high tide level that are tenX to fifteenX over the difference in tidal waters where I live.

    So... could high tide levels near TRuro, N. S. to Moncton, N. B. be up by a meter or more if average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters?"

    Could high tide levels be up by a meter or more near Truro, N. S?

    1. Yes
      1 vote(s)

    2. No
      0 vote(s)

    3. I have got to do some research on this... I think the answer is more complex!

    Now in a sense this physics question is GOOD NEWS for Bangladesh.... good news for the residents of The Maldive Island.... good news for the people of London U.K., good news for the Azores and Bermuda and every island nation and every inhabited island in any ocean or sea in all the earth! In a way... the owners of real estate along the Bay of Fundy are in the position of the proverbial "canary in a coal mine." Their real estate is likely to be hit first.... in the event of some form of shift in what has been happening on The West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    Here are a couple of quotations that can give some really intelligent people some fuel to work with......
    but there are many different directions that intelligent people could go with these ideas and numbers.


    Within weeks of my 2008 campaign for Municipal Councillor an elderly gentleman gave me the quotation above from Mr. Graham Hancock from his book Fingerprints of the Gods, page 480.

    Here is my 2008 campaign writing....

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Shalom Mayor Patrick Brown......

    if you have the time to listen to the following film you will get an idea of what I mean by the following title.....

    "Mike Frank and two levels of separation from Bill Gates!"

    The personal testimony of Mike and Robbie Frank begins at the 1:00:00 mark in this video....

    and speaking of Bill Gates.....

    Is Bill Gates correct that we humans can threaten the environment?

    Is Bill Gates correct that we humans can alter the environment by our activities?

    1. No
      1 vote(s)
    2. *
      2 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Shalom Mayor Patrick Brown......

    Somewhat less than a year ago a new friend of mine from the Greater Toronto Area told me that his fellow real estate agents felt that the real estate markets would bottom out around April to June of 2023 and then....... things would begin to improve again........

    ... My friend seems to have been INCORRECT... and to my thinking......

    this indicates that the real powers that be.... which are the people who are investing far, far, far, far, far , far more than one hundred billion dollars......
    they want the appearance of a Bear Market......

    in order to scare people.......

    ... in order to set the stage for what happens next......

    ... so they would tend to love the fear that Canada's P. M. OFFICE put into Canadians a few years ago!!!!!!!

    Today this man told me that his wife had recently asked him......
    "So when does the reality film series begin????????"

    I am attempting to put this back into his court with the suggestion that he or his wife..... go to YOUR OFFICE....
    and they become friends with one of your assistants.......

    ... and they let their assistant know that THEY are DennisTate's friend in real estate and /or his wife.......

    .... and they want to begin to discuss.....

    TURNING SHRINK DAMAGED... at R... and L...'s stores all across Canada.... into props of sorts.... whereas the stores themselves become.... "Stages" of sorts.......
    where Shrink Damaged..... is turned into PROPS IN AN ACTUAL REALITY FILM SERIES.......
    ... SO WHAT I AM SUGGESTING..... becomes a potential opening scene!!!!!!!?????

    Shalom Mayor Patrick Brown......

    .. by the way ... your friend L.... L.... IS A TRULY BRILLIANT WRITER!!!!!!!

    She wrote an e-mail on behalf of my wife today......
    and I.... although I am something of an aspiring writer myself.......
    [who just happens to write exactly as I speak......]...... but when I read her e-mail I was reminded of.....
    this scene in a movie......

    Wayne's World... "Wayne and Garth meet Alice Cooper"......


    Wayne's World (8/10) Movie CLIP - Alice's History Lesson (1992) HD
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2023
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am hoping to soon stop into one of the four Habitat For Humanity locations that are near where I live.....

    ... I am hopeful that there may be five... or ten... or fifty.... or a hundred .. Habitat For Humanity workers.....

    ... who might be willing to donate their time to a profit making film production company... or two or three of them......

    .... I spoke with a local rather famous Homeless man yesterday who I feel could be turned into a reality film star.... along with many other homeless people here in the Greater Toronto Area....

    ... and an exceptionally interesting candidate or two or three actually came up with some potentially useful proposals that could assist in turning homeless people into reality film actors......

    ... a little bit like the reality film stars in the series "Hoarders".... but......
    Here is their website.....

    This will give you an idea of what I have specifically in mind that may catch their attention.....

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2023
  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My apologies... in post number 24 I used the word "company" when I should have typed company and / or "cooperative" and / or "kibbutz"......

    because I was planning on introducing all of you to Dr. Moses Coady again.......

    and even talking about a semi-reality science fiction film series beginning in an alternative universe 2011 or 2012......
    after this was written.....


    Friday, January 22, 2010
    Is Pope Benedict XVI In The Best Position to Effectively Combat Climate Change?[/paste:font]

    Homily for January 17, 2010 by Dennis Tate. Assignment #2 for MNST 130 class at St. Francis Xavier University.


    Shalom Mayor Patrick Brown....

    I consider that your friend Pierre Polievre is showing great courage to take the position that he has done against the CBC!

    Poilievre's pitch to defund CBC, keep French services would require change in law


    He is also showing a great deal of courage to advocate axing the Carbon Tax.


    Pierre Poilievre on housing, affordability and axing the Carbon Tax

    As you can see from my 2008 campaign writing I am certainly also in favour of getting rid of the intellectually dishonest Carbon Tax.

    Another angle on dealing with the CBC is that all the e-mails from the top management in the CBC over this past decade could be made public....
    and the leadership of the CBC could perhaps be charged in a Class Action Law Suit by all Canadians who took the C.... 19 vaccine.....
    because it does seem as if leaders in BigMedia did withhold important information from Canadians that could well have inspired them to be like me, unvaccinated when it comes to C....19.

    I personally refused to take the C.... 19 vaccine and I was forced to retire early.... and I had to drive to Mississauga where I could find a job where I did not have to be vaccinated.

    I believe that because Punjabi and Hindi are commonly spoken here in Mississauga it may be possible to do a reality film series based on my attempting to mount a campaign for the office of Mayor of Mississauga.... and the attention that my campaign generates could become a reality film series that is filmed first in the translation into Punjabi, Hindi, Arabic or other languages from my original speeches in English.

    I suggest this because everybody from India knows that a certain somebody tried his best to FORCE farmers in India to use GMO dependent seeds... that depend on EXPENSIVE chemical fertilizers, expensive chemical herbicides, expensive chemical pesticides and expensive chemical fungicides. An astonishing number of farmers in India were driven into bankruptcy and many committed suicide.

    Everybody who was not lied to by BigMedia in English knows that Mr. B... G.... was totally serious about his statements that he made back in 2010 in his film "Innovating to zero" in which he advocated reducing the world's population from six point eight billion people down to two or three billion people. This man has bought himself lots of political support and he has actually legislated giving BigPharma companies not merely billions of dollars, but actually TRILLIONS of dollars worldwide..... over these past five years alone!

    I BELIEVE THAT THE CBC can be turned into
    a Cash Cow for all Canadians but.... only if the truth about the corruption at the top of the CBC comes out and is made common knowledge.

    I believe that those of us who want P. M. Justin Trudeau out of office in Canada's next federal election, we must come together and cooperate to assist Pierre to unite Canada's political right.

    The statement about the final Elijah restoring the Tribes of Jacob brings us to the topic of Exodus USA that I have already explained to a degree!

    Exodus USA


    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023

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